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Thread: Tilapia frun day Lake Kurwongbah QLD 15/12/12.

  1. #1

    Tilapia frun day Lake Kurwongbah QLD 15/12/12.

    On Saturday 15.12.12 the PRFMA will be having a Tilapia fishing/competition day at Lake Kurwongbah to remove Tilapia and raise funds for stocking Native Fish into Lake Kurwongbah.

    Pest Fish Out Native Fish IN

    Location: Mick Hanfling Park Lake Kurwongbah.

    Time: 1.30pm to 5.00pm

    Entry: By Donation, participants must be registered, all welcome.

    The purpose of this event is to remove Tilapia and raise funds for stocking Lake Kurwongbah with Native Fish. ALL funds raised will go to fish stocking.
    Several prizes have been donated so far but would be happy to accept any prizes or donations for this event.
    Categories/Prizes yet to be announced, there will be pest fish and a Native Fish category.
    Native Fish are to be Catch Photo Release on a measure only to enter Native Fish category.
    All monies raised will be utilized
    to purchase fingerlings to stock Kurwongbah.
    PRFMA have the necessary permits from Daff to target tilapia and will have facilities to dispose of them.
    PRFMA also have approval from SEQ water.
    The event is being held in the afternoon as the tilapia are more active then.
    There are very good barbeques and picnic facilities at Mick Hafling park.
    This park is very family friendly and is a credit to the original Pine Rivers shire council who first set it up and SEQ water who currently maintain it.
    Bank fishing no watercraft allowed.

  2. #2

    Re: Tilapia frun day Lake Kurwongbah QLD 15/12/12.

    What bait?

    Those things taste awesome cut slices into fish/rub salt/deep fried crispy with some chilli dipping sauce.


  3. #3

    Re: Tilapia frun day Lake Kurwongbah QLD 15/12/12.

    there has now been sightings of tiger oscars in there aswell!

  4. #4

    Re: Tilapia frun day Lake Kurwongbah QLD 15/12/12.

    Just a reminder it is on tomorrow.
    Garden worms,peeled prawns,redclaw flesh all work they are not fussy eaters.

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