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Thread: New Evo Take #2

  1. #181

    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Nice stuff DT. Love the rego # as well !!!!

  2. #182

    Re: New Evo Take #2


    Can’t help with full torque curves Thy, but at least the attached EPA data gives you some numbers to play with for these two donks.

    Thank you for those numbers, confirms my "seat of pants" analysis. We cruise from 3500rpm to 4200 rpm generally being 16 to 24 knots, seldom have conditions that allow any faster with NMEA interface showing .6l/km consistently. Boat with a full tank of fuel is 1800kg plus whatever flesh we carry. Finally got some reasonable conditions, and saw 5800rpm at 38 knots, may have been a little more in it, but was as quick as I was prepared to go in conditions. Prop is 4 blade Solas, 15 1/4 x 20 with some cupping, as it exceeded max rpm initially, uses slightly more fuel than the three blade 15 x 21 at cruise, but the extra lift is the trade off, our hull is a little bum heavy with rear set fuel tank. Not certain about the accuracy of the NMEA fuel flow, but total consumption is within a couple of litres every time.

    Cupped the 4blade rather than try another size coz I dinged it before testing was completed, and as that was the second one, it was an expensive hobby

  3. #183

    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Quote Originally Posted by tenzing View Post
    Just found my figures from when I had the DF175 fitted.
    Prop is suzuki ss 3x15x21
    This was on on oily slick river, 160 kg "man flesh?", 200 l fuel. Seafarer victory 1100kg hull. Bennets tabs fitted.

    RPM km/h Litres/h
    1650 11 4
    2000 12 6.5
    3000 16 15
    4000 41 22
    5000 57 35
    6150 74 64

    To be fair the fuel usage is probably underestimated by 5 to 10 % as this was taken from the gauge which is not quite true.

    Since this test though we dropped the motor by one hole ( now on the lowest) as the prop ventilated frequently , even in straight lines , especially in swell offshore.
    The cav plate now seems to be buried, where before it was just above water. she throws up a bit more spray too.
    My performance now is slower and thirstier and WOT around 5800 to 5900 ( though this is all in real conditions, not out on the racetrack as per the test!)
    I am considering whether to go up in diameter and down in pitch and lifting her back up as it seems a bit bogged down now. Holeshot is a bit sluggish too.
    I am hoping not for more top end as that makes no difference to me, but would like to squeeze the most efficiency out of her as possible.
    I guess with a couple of hundred hours in a good year, maximum fuel efficiency is a real consideration.
    Tenzing I tested The evo yesterday with the DF200 & 16"D x 18.5"P x 3B Stainless Prop, wasnt offshore but was across the bay to Tangas with a bit of wind chop, I too can not see cav plate, Hole shot was brillent nearly put daughter out of boat. Full rev range figures are on previous page.
    I have crunched numbers on three different prop slip calculators and come up with .08-.0% prop slip accross rev range max rev 5800rpm
    Taking in mind 3 on board 80l bait tank full 300L of Fuel onboard all safety gear ect.I reckon could easily lift up one hole but I think I will run Tank to empty to compare figures again.

  4. #184

    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Well its been a ride to say the least so Ill try to bullit point the Out come,
    Performance of Boat very Impressed.

    Attention to detail of Finish & stainless work is worst than last Boat. "No cracks though"
    Back up customer Service ? No comment.
    Would i buy another ? Not if i had to pay full retail.

    Coastal Powerboats was the best thing Evo had going for them So they dropped them as a Dealer.Go figure.
    Cruiscraft Carried out a few minor manufacturing faults after another session of lets not respond to customer until they shout and scream.

    As far as boats go its a great boat, based on the back up service its not enough for me to tell anyone to go buy one.

    There is no comparrision between the 552 & the 600 Offshore The 600 goes 2.8T on trailer full of fuel no eskys.
    Thanks for all the support through this sorry ordeal, I hope no body has to go through the sort of shit as I have.
    This thread was based on facts of my actual situation, it would of been removed via legal means if it was not.
    Stick to the facts & leave the emotion out of it,put a 24hr cooling off period on all your posts before spraying someone.

    The Australian Boating industry all took notice of my story,I know this from the personal Phone conversations made to me as well as face to face conversations.
    With all that behind us now I wish Evo all the Best & hope they can turn this whole thing around and learn from it.I doubt it though based on the lack of follow up given to me & lack of attention given to the new Boat.
    Tight Lines

  5. #185
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Hi Dick

    Read the saga as it unfolded and I'm absolutely amazed by the reported actions or should I say lack of action to make you replacement boat the best they ever turned out.

    Talk about an opportunity thrown away.

    Then as you say, Coastal Powerboats are no longer a dealer carrying the Evo. Was it their choice to part ways (what dealer needs the headaches? ) or did Evo make the decision?

    Either way, probably not a bad thing if fewer people are exposed to reliving your nightmare. Very sad state of affairs for the local frp and associated trades though.

    Anyhoo enjoy what you have in the meantime

    What could go wrong.......................

  6. #186

    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Sorry you got a shit run DT. Unfortunately your not alone because I think that too many people in the industry in Australia just don't give a f&@k. Unless maybe you have your own tv show, it was all too hard for evolution because to them your a nobody. You were probably better off getting a boat from the states where customer service is a priority. Hopefully evolution and others will learn a lesson.

  7. #187

    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Hi mate, that is unbelievable, out of curiosity what made you pick glass over plate !


  8. #188
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: New Evo Take #2

    No bloody wonder these cowboys go broke and cry that they can't compete with all the imports that are coming in evo certainly don't rate with cruise craft or yalta as far as service goes from what I see from this debacle , sorry to here of your tale and at least coastal power boats came out smelling of roses ..Matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  9. #189

    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Hi mate, that is unbelievable, out of curiosity what made you pick glass over plate !

    Steve at the start of all this we only where chasing a 5.5m boat the 552 ticked all the boxes we wanted other than holding together !

    Quote Originally Posted by mull dog View Post
    Sorry you got a shit run DT. Unfortunately your not alone because I think that too many people in the industry in Australia just don't give a f&@k. Unless maybe you have your own tv show, it was all too hard for evolution because to them your a nobody. You were probably better off getting a boat from the states where customer service is a priority. Hopefully evolution and others will learn a lesson.
    To be honest Dog The support i have received from other Australian Boat manufactures has given me faith in our local industry so i wouldn't write them off just yet.
    Sure there is some deals to be had buying over seas I bet there are just as many horror stories that wont get posted up to save face.
    It is true Evo had a perfect opportunity to cop it on the chin & then turn around a PR nightmare but chose not too,Yes you think it would not of left the factory with the faults it did.
    Without a doubt I would purchase another boat from Costal power Boats Keiren was instrumental in the final out come of this.
    In a perfect world Coastal would sell Cruisecraft
    So what we have now is what we have, everytime i look at the poor Stainless work on the Boat it will remind me of the whole sorry situation & piss poor customer service.

  10. #190
    Ausfish Platinum Member TREVELLY's Avatar
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    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Hi Richard,

    Shame about the final outcome.

    With the stainless is the problem the quality of the steel or the welds etc. Just wondering if the welds can be ground back, rewelded and the stainless polished. Bit of a hassle but doable if you want to keep and admire the boat.

    Of course if the metal is rubbish that is a different story.

    Good thing you got a solid hull though and happy with the performance.

    EVO probably did the dealer a favour - hopefully the dealer gets a builder they will be pleased to represent.


  11. #191

    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Quote Originally Posted by TREVELLY View Post
    Hi Richard,

    Shame about the final outcome.

    With the stainless is the problem the quality of the steel or the welds etc. Just wondering if the welds can be ground back, rewelded and the stainless polished. Bit of a hassle but doable if you want to keep and admire the boat.

    Of course if the metal is rubbish that is a different story.

    Good thing you got a solid hull though and happy with the performance.

    EVO probably did the dealer a favour - hopefully the dealer gets a builder they will be pleased to represent.
    Just poor attention to Detail Trev with Stainless manufacturer, I will remove bow Rail and Evos Sikka one day Cut the end off so it fits Flush on Hull.
    The response from Evo was send photos and we will look into it ! Who would of thought 3 months later no follow up call.
    I now know after WWW coverage of their poor workmanship their quality control has tightened right up & apparently Sikka under a Joint is acceptable over workmanship.

  12. #192
    Ausfish Platinum Member FisHard's Avatar
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    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Took me a few seconds to see what you are talking about in those pictures, then - OMG! What's wrong with these people?
    I guess it's time to take the EVO stickers off the side and just have a good life! I hope you pull plenty of big ones over the side to compensate for the rubbish you've had to deal with.
    fruit salad is the new Bacon

  13. #193
    Ausfish Platinum Member TREVELLY's Avatar
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    Re: New Evo Take #2

    I see Dick.

    Good thing the material seems sound - so it is a matter of repair rather than replace.

    Can be made good with time and effort one step at a time.

    And yes you should not have to be the one doing it but hey, like me you will find you have no choice if you want it as you want it.

    First thing to do I agree 100% is remove the brand stickers - this I have found is good for karma

    One thing too I have found as a good idea is to in the meantime just look past or through some things as long as it is safe and serviceable. My boat has blisters along the sides under the rails - will fix one day but ignore them for now.

    Enjoy the things you like about the boat Dick, it is a lump of offshore boat and should get you too some great places.

    Good luck with it and just keep picking away at the things that need doing when time permits and eventually you will have a nearer perfect boat.

    Some people do get exactly what they want but I think many too also keep to themselves the problems they have.


  14. #194

    Re: New Evo Take #2

    All I can say is you have been nothing but a saint through this whole process Richard and have not lost your cool that sort if stuff just adds insult to injury but as you said is easily fixed was great to see Cruise Craft take the boat on and help you with a few things to well done to them great operation down there that is for sure which is why they are where they are today. EVO have a long way to go by the looks of things and it is good coastal powerboats have moved on from them aswell best they just stay in their own state and not bring their shit up here anyway because that is what it is as far as I am concerned. As they guys have said pull the stickers off and just enjoy it for what it is evo are the ones who are going to suffer after this mate for the suffering they put you through. I will never recommend them to anyone but will recommend coastal powerboats for what they did for you through this mess.

    Cheers Mick.

  15. #195
    Ausfish Platinum Member ozynorts's Avatar
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    Re: New Evo Take #2

    Page 90 of the latest trailer boat mag, second paragraph. I am not sure that most readers on here would agree with the sentiments of the article.
    Remember to always log on before heading offshore.

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