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Whats This Fish?? - Page 2
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Thread: Whats This Fish??

  1. #16

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    I asked the Fisheries here if they had heard of Indonesian Snapper and he just laughed!

    Obviously he is uninformed. As I stated, CSIRO have identified these fish and actually have a map declaring the areas they have been caught in , in Australian waters and close to the mainland.

    some links:-


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  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: Whats This Fish??

    Bit more research shows the Indonesian Snapper and its occurrences on Australian Shores (first Link below) Notice also there are no stripes on this fish!

    This link below clearly shows the lines along the side of this juvenile Large Mouth Nannigai or Saddle Tail Sea Perch.
    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: Whats This Fish??

    Phil, I beg to differ based on the links I have just put up. As I said previously, this fish with the stripes on its side is endemic to all our northern inshore waters. The docs above only show the Indonesian Snapper off Western Australia. Even your link says the same. None of the pictures of the Indonesian Snapper have stripes, but there are millions of te one in the picture posted up along our coast looking exactly like it.

    We better not be too hasty.

    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  4. #19

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    not differing, just putting up what I found and I am making no judgements at all.

    Just trying to offer info.

    cheers LP
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  5. #20

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    I wouldn't keep it. Because I have caught thousands of these that look identical to this and they are small nannygai I am certain of it. These definately have size limit of 400mm long. I am with Odes. These are highly prolific in that area.

  6. #21

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    Hey Odes, As i have said, This fish is often confused with Nannygai, It is Not a Nannygai! There are two distinct differences, canine teeth and the caudal tail is fringed with a white strip. Thats the problem with posting answers on a forum and what makes the job of s fisheries officer even harder. There are always fishos that think they know more than you even though you do it for a living and have been trained in fish id and taxonomy. There is no point asking fisheries in Cairns they are not caught in that area. I worked as a fisheries officer where these fish are caught and have put both species together many times to explain the differences. If you are writing out an infringement notice to somebody you need to be dam sure that you know the differences. Another classic is Parrot and tuskfish but i have seen a whole lot of rec fishers that dont know the difference.

  7. #22

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    canine teeth and the caudal tail is fringed with a white strip

    by the pic it doesn't have canine teeth and you can not see the fringe on the caudal fin?

    my bet is large-mouth

    great to have this discussion though and it highlights the difficulties in identifying species and how hard it is to get detailed info from fisheries

    cheers Murf

  8. #23

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    This is not a nanny, brother inlaw has had this same discussion with many fishos and fisheries officers. He has also confirmed that when you catch one you will catch heaps, seem to come in big schools and then go. Many people will ID it as a nanny, especially if they are not from the area as they never see them anywhere else.

    Steve Brown

    Do Not Feed The Trolls

  9. #24

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    They photo is not definitive! Only way to tell is a clear mouth and tail shot. If its not a Nannygai then its an Indo Snapper. People that have only caught Nannygai will say its a Nannygai, people that have caught and studied both will know better! Spot on Ausfish, thats what i am saying!

  10. #25
    Ausfish Platinum Member Si's Avatar
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    Re: Whats This Fish??


    Well this is interesting. I think I will have to agree with odes. Sorry scrotty. Its a juvenile Malabar Snapper Lutjanus malabaricus also known as Saddletail or Large Mouth Nannygai. Check out the dark blotch through the eye thats starting to fade out in the thread starter photo. Although i do admit that the indo snapper is very simliar. Photo isnt real good either but thanks for posting mate.

  11. #26

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    I wish there was a better photo but I am going for a Juvenile Saddle tail snapper too. You can just make out the saddle near the person's finger. I've caught my fair share of them at small sizes with that band still across the face.
    Like the other ID link I am not 100% certain as a better photo would be nice. Several photos in fact.

  12. #27

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    It is a nannygai. Call it whatever you like, it clearly has black saddle under thumb and stripes. call it whatever you want, indonesian snapper do not exist on east coast. every thing I have read that has been posted here suggests it is a nannygai. pics and information information included. If fisheries are letting these be taken from the ocean they are not doing their job and they should be reported.
    And we wonder why fish stocks are shrinking!!!

  13. #28
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    This is getting almost hilaroius. I tell you this fish is all the way up thru our tropical north waters. And 2 of the website links put up by Lucky Phil and I decscribe the occurence of Indonesian Snapper in Ausralian waters as in the far noth west of Western Australia.! The fish in the pic provided is thick up along the north Qld Coast. If iIndo Snapper occurrence was here as well, Im sure it would be shown and noted. Also those pics of the Indonesian Snapper, have adiffernt shaped head that the fish in the pic. Im sorry Scrotty but that particular fish in the pic is caught up here all the time. off Cairns.
    Quote Originally Posted by scrotty View Post
    Hey Odes, As i have said, This fish is often confused with Nannygai, It is Not a Nannygai! There are two distinct differences, canine teeth and the caudal tail is fringed with a white strip. Thats the problem with posting answers on a forum and what makes the job of s fisheries officer even harder. There are always fishos that think they know more than you even though you do it for a living and have been trained in fish id and taxonomy. There is no point asking fisheries in Cairns they are not caught in that area. I worked as a fisheries officer where these fish are caught and have put both species together many times to explain the differences. If you are writing out an infringement notice to somebody you need to be dam sure that you know the differences. Another classic is Parrot and tuskfish but i have seen a whole lot of rec fishers that dont know the difference.
    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  14. #29
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    Couple of pics of these caught at Hinchinbrook The 3rd pic is a rotated version of the original pic that started the thread.Attachment 85894Attachment 85895
    Attached Images Attached Images
    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  15. #30

    Re: Whats This Fish??

    Just to clarify my post, Saddletail Snapper = Large Mouth Nannygai. Fisheries just use the Snapper nomenclature now. Due to the poor pic I'm not 100% certain but if I had to choose between the two I would say Nanny.

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