Was meant to be holding an offshore trip with my fishing club but thought the weather would be a bit ordinary so we canned it. A few of us decided to have a crack in one of the bigger boats (Haines 680) with the view of an early day if need be. Left Viccy Point at around 3.45 and crossed a bumpy bay. Went through the Amity end of SPB with not much swell but very bumpy conditions. Gathered a few livies and headed south in rather crap conditions. Glad I wasn't in my boat! Just near shag rock I saw a couple of fish cruising on the surface with dorsal and tails out of the water that I swear were big cobia. Unfortunately we were doing 20 knots at the time and the skipper didnt see them until they exploded and went under. Turned for a look but they were gone. Continued to punch our way south to our spot only to be greeted with washing machine like conditions which made each drift a different direction. Fishing was tough with only 1 squire boated in the first hour or so.
Eventually the wind started to ease and we got another fish or 2 in the box. I decided to send a small live pike to the bottom on a floatlining rig and no sooner got to the bottom and got smashed. Nice Maori Cod in the bin. This is alright I thought so I strapped on a little yakka and sent it down next. Reached the bottom and bang on again. This one was a bit bigger but still felt coddish. Nice goldspot hits the deck.
We moved around a fair bit and eventually scraped up a good mixed bag.
Wind had backed right off by lunchtime and conditions improved for the ride home.
Done and dusted by 1pm.