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Using a Mobile Phone while Boating - Page 2
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Thread: Using a Mobile Phone while Boating

  1. #16
    Grumpy old man whinge:

    I was coming in to Manly heading to the ramp one arvo after a relaxing day. There was another boat up my coight in the single file way of heading to the far end. No wind.

    This bloke is loudly gasbagging to his mate about his day and I am thinking 'for ffffffs sake shut up and stop destroying the beauty of the moment... oh, and climb out of my ars....'

    The point is with canoes and rowboats and other stuff around if I had to suddenly slow down then his running lights would become my new stern light. And his mind was not on the job at hand.

    Are people so unaware of the world around them that they can't see they are a bubble of noise in an otherwise peaceful scene?

    Old man rant over.... thank you for your time.

  2. #17

    Re: Using a Mobile Phone while Boating

    There are no laws specific to he use of mobile phones while operating a vessel.

  3. #18

    Re: Using a Mobile Phone while Boating

    Give 'em time nct, I heard recently you can't drink & drive in a boat now.

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