Well tried my luck early this morn and was greeted by a pretty decent swell. Made it out after patiently waiting about 20mins for a break. Found a school of pillies and jigged up a bunch for the mackeral. Caught a tailor on a live yakka, put it on live on the heavy gear and then got smashed, but the hooks pulled out. Went chasing tuna but they were very flighty. Then my 30lb braid/30lb trace outfit took off. Now i knew that the line was frayed from the tailor i had caught earlier, so i kept the drag loose and played the fish patiently (some tense moments). I called it for a big jew and sure enough eventually it rose to the gaff. I was pretty stoked to catch something other than a cobia and paddled in with a smile. She went 1.2m and 13kg cleaned.