602423_368043739950720_1788739615_n.jpgfor the man who has everything
602423_368043739950720_1788739615_n.jpgfor the man who has everything
haha, notice it's not a Penn, Shimano or Diawa.....lol!
Yep yep, best use for an Okuma that I can think of.......![]()
Wonder what the drag's set at?
lol, hopefully not sunset!
Thats one way of catching a darky.
But it's what happens on the water that counts.
My reels get plenty of workout actually your right not enough I'm to busy working. But can anyone else say Agnes in November. Anthony I believe we will be home the same time. I will be making my way to Agnes on Friday 16th and returning Sunday. Will be camping with the wife and child.
i betcha I could make that ratchet scream lol
The Rainbowrunner
Peter Hansler
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Give a man a fish, he'll eat it and fall asleep.
Teach a man to fish and he'll endanger an entire species
i seriously doubt a uni to uni would do it.
fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!
Needs to be mounted on a swinging arm so you can crank it while in the poop chair!!!
Probably require some sort of voodoo origami join.