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Thread: South Capricorn Coast Ramp

  1. #1

    South Capricorn Coast Ramp

    Hi Team there is a push for a NEW ramp & facilities on the South end of the Cap Coast please go to this site and fill out survey ,if you need more details or how to value sites pm me Cheers Bombie

  2. #2

    Re: South Capricorn Coast Ramp

    The site needs to have an appropriate amount of available land, access to major road networks, fit for purpose (i.e. shelter from prevailing winds), suitable depth of water for boats,not adversely affect the environment, and also provide community benefits.

    i think the only place that will tick all those boxes will be gladstone harbour. environment already stuffed there.
    fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!

  3. #3

    Re: South Capricorn Coast Ramp

    Quote Originally Posted by netmaker View Post
    The site needs to have an appropriate amount of available land, access to major road networks, fit for purpose (i.e. shelter from prevailing winds), suitable depth of water for boats,not adversely affect the environment, and also provide community benefits.

    i think the only place that will tick all those boxes will be gladstone harbour. environment already stuffed there.
    OOps,,Sorry I should clear things up THIS is for Cap coast,, Yeppoon to Keppel Sands,, To service Keppel Bay ,
    Glady already has its share of ramps etc !!!

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member Qlder1's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Re: South Capricorn Coast Ramp

    Would be nice if they dredged the channel out from the existing ramps at Rosslyn Bay. Man its shallow atm on big sounder said 60cm of water heading out the other morning, and it was still an hour from the low...

  5. #5

    Re: South Capricorn Coast Ramp

    Sorry, it has been like that since the 80's(design fault) and the Govt dredged back in'10 @ the cost of 5k a DAY ?? and then only worked til ,,well its full again now,,! but it STILL would not help if they dredged it to 6 mtrs deep it all comes back to TRAFFIC congrestion ,,,ON & OFF the water, Roads, carparking and Ramp Rage which are the main complaints WE NEED ANOTHER alltide deep water access on the Cap Coast !

  6. #6

    Re: South Capricorn Coast Ramp

    I didn't think wilson wanted to pay for the marina side to be dredged it filled in pretty quick again
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    There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot

    I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges

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  7. #7

    Re: South Capricorn Coast Ramp

    No he didnt ,but no boats in = no $$$

  8. #8

    Re: South Capricorn Coast Ramp

    is emu park the only suggestion or is ther ean option towards yeppoon, i must admit the ramps at rosslyn bay are great ramps but parking is a night mare, but every ramp is like that nearly.


  9. #9

    Re: South Capricorn Coast Ramp

    No ,Emu Park is not the only site,,, (but the Best),& Yes you are correct with RBH parking problems the reason this has all come about, have a look here ,,and do your best ! Cheers
    Last edited by BOMBIE; 25-10-2012 at 06:40 AM. Reason: Additions

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