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Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!! - Page 2
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Thread: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

  1. #16

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    Bet he didn’t put up much of a fight being a frog [Frenchman]

    They have run from every conflict on land for the last 500 years, so i can’t see that changing when it comes to water.

    BTW hope you didn’t pierce his swim bladder and release him on a dropper weight to get him back to the bottom.

  2. #17
    If some fool stuck a pedestrian crossing just around a blind corner you'd be legally correct to step out even though you hear a big truck coming. But it would be pretty dumb to do so.

    Same with kite surfers or even 18foot skiffs flying along in the channel where boats have restricted maneuvering. Just dumb to get in the way of a ton or three of boat just because you have 'right of way'.

    If a sign is posted saying boats have right of way then it's even dumber (if that's possible). Candidates for the Darwin Awards:

  3. #18

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    Catch and release?


  4. #19

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    Interestingly I went down the river mouth yesterday to get a photo of the sign to post it on here to show what it says, & its been taken down!!
    I'll contact Coast Guard Noosa to get there take on the rules, & then contact council to find out why the sign was removed.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member breamnut's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    well one! never caught a kitesurfer, but ive hooked a few jet skiers of the southport seaway when they come to close to the south wall ahaha loosing a $5 surecatch knight is worth the humour

  6. #21

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    I recon the local council's changing the wording on the sign " Dead Kite Surfers Tell No Tales" might be more applicable.
    Keep Ya Tip UP

  7. #22

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    I have no idea what the rules are regarding kite surfers and boats.

    All I know if I'm going out of or coming in through a bar - I have right of way over any clown on a jet ski; surfboard; stand up paddle board or kite surfer.

    I have no intention of putting the safety of my family or crew at risk becuase of some yahoo who lacks commonsense.


  8. #23

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SunnyCoastMark View Post
    I have no idea what the rules are regarding kite surfers and boats.

    All I know if I'm going out of or coming in through a bar - I have right of way over any clown on a jet ski; surfboard; stand up paddle board or kite surfer.

    I have no intention of putting the safety of my family or crew at risk becuase of some yahoo who lacks commonsense.

    My thoughts exactly Mark. If you want to take on 3.5t of boat, knock yourself out, but there will be consequences!!

  9. #24

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    There are some funny replies to your thread Tony but looking from another side lucky the kiter wasn't hurt or killed.That could open a can of worms you wouldn't want to know about.
    Last year a surfer was killed doing exactly what Scott was doing , crossing our local bar at Currumbin !
    Still waiting for the outcome on this one.
    I have a hand held horn that I spray the multitude with when the going gets tough !

    cheers Jimmy

  10. #25

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    Just how ridiculous is it?

    Trying to navigate your way through a seaway with breaking waves etc, worried about seeing your way through safely and as a added bonus you have to negotiate boards, kits, whatever potentially putting you, your crew and boat at risk, insane.

    Laws need to be looked at.

    Good job Tony



  11. #26

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    Playing on a Bar or Playing on the Road has the same consequence, so why do the wind catchers continue to put life at risk playing in the traffic?? i don't believe i will ever understand???.
    Lack of experience or nil commonsense or heavily medicated or just STUPID.

  12. #27

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    Unfortunately , like some pedestrians, they would take the attitude that you will stop rather then end up in court.
    I have yet to catch a kitesurfer but I've had plenty of idiots on the footpath look straight at me comming and just walk straight out onto the road in front so that you have to either stop or hit them.
    Same as one day while parked at a T intersection waiting to give way to oncomming traffic I watched an idiot walk straight off the kerb with out looking and he only realised he was on the road when he walked facefirst into the side of my parked delivery van.

    I may not be quite as bad as the pic but I'm working on it.

  13. #28
    Ausfish Platinum Member Apollo's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    Quote Originally Posted by tunaticer View Post
    ............ As soon as they are airborne they should be treated similarly to a clay target.
    Be an interesting olympic event.

  14. #29

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    I'd say he was a learner as anyone with experience wouldn't crash the kite or go near a powerboat. Some people just lack the coordination required

  15. #30

    Re: Caught my 1st Kitesurfer today!!

    Quote Originally Posted by death_ship View Post
    I'd say he was a learner as anyone with experience wouldn't crash the kite or go near a powerboat. Some people just lack the coordination required
    Then here's a thought. Stay away from a river mouth with boats crossing!!

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