Just took a mate out for a quick inshore assault out off Yeppoon. The plan was to head north and fish the corio heads barge, then move onto the pinnacles and then think about trying to find a mackerel.
We were all set and headed off to drop the boat in at rosslyn bay boat ramp in the early hours of Sunday morning the 14th October. We launched and set sail without incident and found ourselves sounding the corio headlands in short time with minimal swell.
It was my mate Luke’s first early morning run in the dark and he handled it pretty well. We set up anchor and within minuets released an undersize black jew. I thought we were onto a winner with a fish straight up but that was it for a while. We pulled anchor and had a drift. We had the usual bottom rigs down under the boat and I had a pillie out on a running ball with a PE Tackle small fly gang setup. After a couple of drifts of not much we were about to shift when the pillie went off. Some great head shakes had me calling jew but I was surprised when a solid gold spot came into the light. We netted him and high fives all round with the cod going 8-9kg. Disaster struck when I realised I left the camera gear at home. Bugger, thank goodness for the good ol’ iphone.
We moved onto the pinnacles area and by this stage the sun was up. We anchored up in 30 meters and put out the baits. A few pickers and we pulled the anchor for a drift. First run and I put a legal grunter in the boat which made me give luke the “are u going to do something’ speech as all good skippers do. And with these words Luke hooks up solid. After a short fight a solid grunter was swung aboard. It was Luke’s best capture and PB to date so he was chuffed and a few more high fives were dished out.
Small PE Tackle fly down the hatch
Things were heating up and with this thought came the black cloud. The cloud of “men in grey suits”. They must have woken up to what was going on and started grabbing everything. Bottom baits and floaters and it was time to move on.
With the south easter starting to show we started to head back because being north of Yeppoon when the SE’er starts rolling makes for a very unpleasant trip home and especially in a center console so we made the decision to split. We trolled Finlays reef, conical rocks and corroboree island on the way back for a mack but were left disappointed.
We had a great feed secured and had the boat out by 11am and were home in time for lunch. Another great day on the water and another day in the life of coastal living. cheers
the PE Tackle lumo fly/gang that I was trying. It claimed both grunter and the cod
Will have to ask Seano what the fly is called and what type of hook they are rigged on as it was a trial but was impressed with how sharp they are and hookup rate.