Yeah yeah, been a bit slack with reports sorry. Awoke a 2:30am and watched some tv, surfed the net and then headed off around 3:30 for a fish. Launched at bells creek and headed over to me spot. Tide was fairly running in, new moon on it's way, all seemed good except for the wind that was just the annoying side of bareable. Not a touch until the glow of the sun appeared on the horizon, then a 43cm flatty hit the side of the yak. Let it go thinking I would do bit better later. Got myself another 4 in the next hr but all undersized. Then the 4 inch gulp minnow in smelt did the damage with a nice 58cm fella coming yakside after a fun tussle on the silly string (6lb). I spent a bit more time chasing some friends for ol mate but nothing of keeper size could be found. Headed in around 8:30. Tomorrow looks a nicer day windwise so will have another shot at it.
soooooooo.......... what are you lot up to?