took my pots out yesterday around 4.30with my keen deckie shane,was spose to ain and blow its ass out..put the boat in at manly with 5 knts breeze and a lite spit of rain..shot out and set the pots and headed in b4 we got pissed on..headed out this arvo in 25-30 odd knts to check and rebait the pots..water was like a washinng machine and really stired up...come up on the first pot to have the waves crashing over the side but was rewaded with 3 nice to love self draining decks..pulled the next 3 pots for nothing but wobbygong sharks and female crabs all returned
...then we pulled the next 4 pots for shit loads of crabs...ended up with 26 keepers
...well worth the effort...
cheers rosco
pic is after we had a feed