Whats the vhf chanel of choise for Ausfishers my call sign is Sole Searching or easyrider or hey you
Whats the vhf chanel of choise for Ausfishers my call sign is Sole Searching or easyrider or hey you
I think we can sit on VHF 21 for general calling. Use 22 to login when crossing the Bar with either VMR 466 Hervey Bay login on 73) or VMR 488 Bundaberg (they also cover 80 & 81).
It might be worth sending a copy of the 1770 database to VMR Hervey Bay to make loging in a bit easier
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
Hey Neil, can a copy of the data base go to all that are going so we know who is on what boat and call sign if different to ausfish name. Cheers dave.
I have sent a spreadsheet to Neil ( Horse ).
Anyone that is NOT on that sheet and wants to be added, please contact Neil. Those on it are the ones that attended the 2012 Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
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Yea, I will put something together. I think Muddy had the original database
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
CAll sign Reel E Fishent .....on board will be Netmaker and myself..... our plan leave here late thursday ,sleep at the ramp and leave friday morning.....destination roonies and beyond.....come back late sunday or early monday morning all weather dependent of course.
Chers MM
I'm in for this one will be leaving lunch Friday
i'll probly follow mad mackeral up
call sign humdinger , not sure on deckie yet will probly be just me
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
Has anyone got some starter marks that they are kind enough to share?
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
What is the overnight parking like for car n trailer, is it secure? I see there is a secure lock up, whats everyone thoughts?
after my experience from the 1770 trip make sure to check everything associated with trailer, safety clip in car tow hitch (now has a locking pin), handle on trailer hitch is down, number plate is not all bent and folded up and winch electric wires aren't ripped looseI imagine also do the walk around the trailer and vehicle and do all safety checks before driving away
cheers Murf