
Ausfish Premium Member
Join DateJun 2007Post Thanks / Like 
Re: super trawler? educate me or tell me your opinion please

Originally Posted by
it is the most ridiculous thing i ever heard get the bast**d out as it has already raped and pillaged the sea where it come from so why even think about it ,anyone who even thought about it be ok should be shark shite the next day we do the right thing and along comes the clowns with a big circus and the goodie two shoes alias the idiots will let it happen crikey someone use their brains for once ROB
Please explain how it will rape and pillage. I certainly cannot find any evidence to support your rant, in fact its quite the opposite. There was a quota, the management procedure reduces the quote each year by a set percentage until it is proved that the fishery is sustainable and they are forced to pay for research to ensure sustainability.
This is the typical opinion that gets as rec fisherman kicked out of the fishery. If you want to argue against it, try to use fact, not emotion.****************************************** *****************************************well how about you mr real andy show us or explain how good the waters are to fish where this huge thing has been before it seems you and the likes can tell us all this is ok ,,,us rec fisho's have to stick together or we end up with nothing my kids and grandkids are entitled to catch fish years down the track ,,,,,if their waters were so good would be no need to come here other side of world