Heres our 5.......
1770 Ausfish 2012 002.jpg
Heres our 5.......
1770 Ausfish 2012 002.jpg
ummmmm, if i remember right, ol' horse was the only bloke who bagged out on spanish. you ladies and refined ####ree gentlemen must have had too much moonshine and have forgotten stuff
fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!
ummmmmmmmmmm if I remember right the point of going all the way to 1770 wasn't to catch Spanish. I'm sure every man, woman and horse could have done that back at home.
On a totally unrelated topic does anyone remember who made it in to the local rag up there with pictures of their reef fish? OH!!! Catching quality reef there's a darn good reason to go to 1770 for a week or two.
Righto Gents don t be too bad while i'm cruising the South Pacific and keep an eye on Murf and Bull staying at home and I don t want to see pics of Bull running around with my undies or his head or wearing my Gimp suit :p
CALL SIGN : JT OR SC552(social club member)
There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot
I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges
Up here we Use Hussar as baits for real RED FISHS (SHSIIFDER)
Anthony, is your PM box full? I have tried to send through a PM with my boat and contact details for your VMR list, but is not in my sent mail when I check it. Or is someone else collecting the info?
I'd be happy to get the red monkey and the Spanish monkey of my back this trip.
Phill received the email , now my concerns are re item 7 one less than 8, flying an Aussie flag so it can aid in identifying our group(Ausfish) Now you being the big Kahuna , I have this idea of an Ausfish FLAG , maybe we can get this organised by next years event. Could you be so kind and let the Grand Poo Bah know of this . Thanking you . MM Flag Supporter