Flying an aussie flag is unaustralian for me.
Just keep a look out for a pair of old jocks.
JJ will there be any stripes on them
Yea I'll be flying the black flag with a silver fern on it , this flag with the large white seven pointed white star & 5 smaller stars on it does nothing for me ,,,,, but to keep the peace with my fellow crew members we will fly both flags this year, by the way anybody see that game last Saturday night??? but in saying all this crap I really hope this great weather we are having lately last for a few more weeks
Geez Bill if we all start flying different flags we will look like the United Nations fleet
23 days to go bitchezzz
This shit is getting really reel
Cheers from boony
Fishing can be defined as "A jerk on one end of the rod, waiting for a jerk on the other".
"Fishing was around along time before you darling"
Did someone mention flags?
When we get up there, look out at the horizon and you'll be sure to see a Yamaha flag and a Pink Floyd flag flying side by side out there. Follow those flags straight down about 6.5m and you'll get to an the lid to that esky and then.....and only then will you all see why the red emperor trophy will belong to team ASW.
See if you can make the front page this year young fella
That's the plan Perry........
And apparently Graeme's plan is to make it just inside the back page this year........something about a men seeking men section or something........I wasn't really listening.