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2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G. - Page 19
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Thread: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

  1. #271

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    I'll leave the radar turned off . Just for safety

  2. #272

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    Accommodation sorted thanks to thedeckie

  3. #273

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    So does that mean this email is no longer correct mate?

    Can't wait for the updated one!!!!

    Hey muddy here are my details for 1770 this year
    Ausfish name humdinger
    Real name. Brett
    Address at 1770 Fitzroy , lady musgrave and probably the caravan park
    Boat name. Humdinger
    Boat description. Rough
    Deckie. Matt But we just call him dipshit or dopey ( my son)

    This is the kind of stuff I'm trying to deal with here Phill!!!!

  4. #274

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    Skin and fillet removal

    In relation to coral reef fin fish, a recreational fisher:

    • must not possess, on board a boat, a fish other than in any of the following forms - whole, gilled, gutted or filleted
    • may possess, on board a boat, a fillet of a fish other than a blue spotted coral trout (Chinese footballer) as long as the length of the fillet is at least 40 cm, and the skin and scales of the fillet are attached to the fillet
    • must not return fish to a boat that have been taken ashore from a boat and filleted, unless the length of the fillet is at least 40 cm and skin of the fillet is attached to the fillet


    • must not possess a live coral reef fin fish unless the person or fisher intends to immediately return the fish to the sea or to display the fish in an aquarium.

    In relation to fin fish (other than coral reef fin fish) a recreational fisher must not:

    • remove the skin from a fish on a boat until the fish is brought to shore
    • bring a fish ashore and remove its skin and return the fish to the boat
    • divide a fish into portions other than in a way that allows an inspector to easily count the number of fish possessed by the fisher

    It is quite clear that you can fillet any fish on board a boat. If the fish is part of the CRFF species, the fillet has to be 40cms and 2 fillets will count as 1 fish.

    Other than that, yes, you can fillet Snapper etc, but the skin must remain on and I have found no evidence in the Fisheries Regulation 2008 or the Fisheries Act 1994 that a regulated fish, other than CRFF fillets have to be any specific length.

    I found another little gem under the Fishers Act 1995, in regard to bait in that you can have a Fin Fish on board as long as it is being processed for bait

    Part 7 General exceptions
    168 Application of pt 7
    This part applies despite parts 2 and 3, part 4, division 1, part
    5 and schedule 2.

    170 Person possessing fish in regulated form for consumption on boat

    A person may possess a fish in a regulated form if—
    (a) the person takes and possesses the fish on a boat for
    consumption on the boat; and
    (b) the fish remains on the boat at all times until it is consumed; and
    (c)the fish is consumed immediately after it is modified to its regulated form.

    A regulated fish in these circumstances means, that if you have a bag limit of say Red Emperor, you can keep an addition “ regulated “ fish ( Red Emperor ) , as long as that fish is for immediate consumption on the boat.

    [s 171]
    Fisheries Regulation 2008
    Chapter 3 Regulated fish declarations
    Part 7 General exceptions
    Page 124
    Current as at 8 March 2013

    171 Recreational fisher possessing fin fish for bait

    1. This section applies if a fin fish is regulated by form or number.
    2. A recreational fisher may possess 1 fin fish that the fisher has processed or is processing to use as bait for recreational fishing.

    This means, you can have 1, ( one ) regulated fish on board that you are about to use for bait, fillet or whole.

    [s 144]
    Fisheries Regulation 2008
    Chapter 3 Regulated fish declarations
    Part 4 Declaration and regulation of particular regulated fish
    Current as at 8 March 2013
    Page 111
    Part 4 Declaration and regulation of
    particular regulated fish
    Division 1 Declaration and regulation of total
    number of regulated coral reef fin
    144 Total number of regulated coral reef fin fish

    1. Any regulated coral reef fin fish in excess of 20 are declared to be regulated fish.
    2. A recreational fisher must not take more than 20 regulated coral reef fin fish.

    146 When s 144 applies despite other regulated fish
    (1) This section applies if—
    (a) a recreational fisher takes regulated coral reef fin fish of more than 1 species regulated by number under regulated fish declarations in schedule 2; and
    (b) the total of the regulated numbers of the species would, apart from subsection (2), be more than 20.

    1. Section 144 applies despite the regulated fish declarations mentioned in subsection (1).


    A recreational fisher takes 10 hussar and a combined total of 7 regulated
    coral trout as allowed under regulated fish declarations in schedule 2.
    The fisher would otherwise be able to take an additional 8 redthroat
    emperor under schedule 2 but section 144 operates to prevent the fisher
    from taking more than 3 redthroat emperor.

    So, this really means if you hit a bag limit of 10 Hussar... you can only drop another 10 CRFF of varying species into the esky. Being mindful not to exceed the CRFF combined limits of Trout etc.

    An individual esky of 10 Hussar, 5 reds, 5 trout and that is it, you have hit your CRFF bag limit. There are other species that can be added like
    Pearl Perch,
    Grass Sweetlip ,
    All Mackerels,
    Gold and black spot estuary Cod

    Standard CRFF ones listed below:-

    Red Emporer.........Bag........5
    Trouts................... Bag........7 ( combined species )
    Hussar................. Bag....... 10
    Jobbies................ Bag........( combined 8 Rosy & lavender ).. otherwise combined 5
    Nannygai............ Bag.......( combined 9.. small & large mouth )
    Red Throat.......... Bag....... 8
    Spanglies............... Bag...... 5
    Cod ( some Cod are not CRFF like...Blackspot and Gold Spot Estuary Cod )..bag... 5
    Tuskfish ( Parrot or Venus Tuskfish.... bag limit 6 )
    Moses Perch.......... bag....... 5

    I will send this out as an email closer to the date.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  5. #275

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy Toes View Post
    So does that mean this email is no longer correct mate?

    Can't wait for the updated one!!!!

    Hey muddy here are my details for 1770 this year
    Ausfish name humdinger
    Real name. Brett
    Address at 1770 Fitzroy , lady musgrave and probably the caravan park
    Boat name. Humdinger
    Boat description. Rough
    Deckie. Matt But we just call him dipshit or dopey ( my son)

    This is the kind of stuff I'm trying to deal with here Phill!!!!
    I feel for ya.

    This is how it should look.

    AF name:- Lucky_Phill
    Real....... Phill
    Boat........ Ally. 6.2 Pacific Sportsfish, white, w/ 130HP Honda
    Rego........ PS620Q
    Call sign and boat name..... ReBait

    Accom...... 13 Sunlover Ave, Agnes Water
    Mob......... 0419 020697

    Alcohol consumption...... TBA
    PB's.......................... TBA
    Arrival & departure dates..TBA

    Foxtrot Alpha Romeo Kilo .............Tango Hotel Echo Mike .................. Alpha Lima Lima

    LP. ><> ><> ><>
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  6. #276
    Ausfish Silver Member kaypee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.


    Do we need to register for this at all?? Or can we just rock up?
    I understand the above posts should answer this but are they just for previous attendees??

    Is there a specific layout of the week or just a.. all rock up to 1770 and see what happens? Sorry for all the Qs but after 19 pages its all very confusing.


  7. #277

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    Confused and MRD didn't even have anything to do with this thread.

  8. #278

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    As much as I would live to finally attend this year is not to be as my wife is due with our second child on the 29th September and I more than likely wont get a leave pass.

  9. #279
    Congratulations lucas! I think you have the dates messed up though, it finishes on the 21st. Still 8 days till the due date...

  10. #280

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    Yeah but the last one come early an I have a wedding for my best mate on the 14th so it's a flat out month for me plus I also have to do some form of work that month.

  11. #281

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    Quote Originally Posted by kaypee View Post

    Do we need to register for this at all?? Or can we just rock up?
    I understand the above posts should answer this but are they just for previous attendees??

    Is there a specific layout of the week or just a.. all rock up to 1770 and see what happens? Sorry for all the Qs but after 19 pages its all very confusing.

    PM sent.............

    Turn up.




    ><> (.) (.) <><
    _____ "" _____
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  12. #282

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    Mr Phill,
    Just pointing out a spelling oversight in one of your previous posts, sorry, but you have 1 too many 'alpha' and not enough 'uniform's.....but that might just be the way I spell

    Would you mind to send me a similar PM you sent KP?
    Pending work schedules, I would like to attend something like this, but I would not be able to confirm attendance until about 4 weeks out.

    Tango Hotel Alpha November Kilo Yankee Oscar Uniform

    S***fish & chippy

  13. #283

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    Quote Originally Posted by fish'n'chippy View Post
    Mr Phill,
    Just pointing out a spelling oversight in one of your previous posts, sorry, but you have 1 too many 'alpha' and not enough 'uniform's.....but that might just be the way I spell

    Would you mind to send me a similar PM you sent KP?
    Pending work schedules, I would like to attend something like this, but I would not be able to confirm attendance until about 4 weeks out.

    Tango Hotel Alpha November Kilo Yankee Oscar Uniform

    Nope.... spelt it " G ' Rated correctly..... lol. ><>


    p;m coming your way
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  14. #284

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    I feel for ya.

    This is how it should look.

    AF name:- Lucky_Phill
    Real....... Phill
    Boat........ Ally. 6.2 Pacific Sportsfish, white, w/ 130HP Honda
    Rego........ PS620Q
    Call sign and boat name..... ReBait

    Accom...... 13 Sunlover Ave, Agnes Water
    Mob......... 0419 020697

    Alcohol consumption...... TBA
    PB's.......................... TBA
    Arrival & departure dates..TBA

    Foxtrot Alpha Romeo Kilo .............Tango Hotel Echo Mike .................. Alpha Lima Lima

    LP. ><> ><> ><>
    Ok we"ll try it again
    Ausfish name..........Humdinger
    Real name..............Brett
    Boat ......................6.5 plate alloy dodgey bros custom back yard special silver 225hp yeaharmaha
    Call sign and boat name ..Humdinger

    Accom....................same place as the the deckie

    Deckie ...................Matt (dopey dipshit)
    Alcohol least 1 can too many most days.
    Arrival ...................early

  15. #285

    Re: 2013 Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G.

    Quote Originally Posted by lucee81 View Post
    Yeah but the last one come early an I have a wedding for my best mate on the 14th so it's a flat out month for me plus I also have to do some form of work that month.
    Fishing is work . GEEEZZ if my Missus thought I went fishing for fun and frivolity i'd never be allowed to go .
    On a more serious note , boat is now purring . Motor fixed , new prop , new anchor winch , new sounder , new bait , new beer cans , house been booked since last year so bring it on .


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