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Thread: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

  1. #1

    Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    I'm hoping someone can help me out to diagnose an issue I am having with my Yamaha 115hp 2 stroke outboard. I have now taken then motor into the mechanic twice and they still have not been able to resolve the issue!

    The problem is that when the boat is under load I can only reach up to 2,500 revs. When i described what was happening to the mechanic they thought it might have been some stale / dirty fuel and that the some of the carbies may have gotten dirty. So they had a look at the carbies and cleaned only one of them as they said it was only running on 3 cylinders and i emptied the tank and re filled with fresh fuel.

    Unfortunately I am still continuing to have the same issues when I water tested yesterday. When the boat is not under load it will go through the full rev range. But when they boat is under load you can hear a noticeable shaking of the engine and as soon as you hit 2,500 revs putting the throttle down there is no more power.

    I plan on taking the boat back to the mechanic tomorrow for a please explain. The labor bill is starting to get up there though and I still don't have a functioning outboard!

    Any help is most appreciated.

  2. #2

    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    Could have a spark plug or lead braking down

  3. #3

    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    Had a similar issue with my old 115 yammie while under load it would stall especially when trying to get the boat on the trailer, yes after a couple of trips to the mechanic he decided to pull both carbies apart and give them a thorough clean and in the end this is what it was, the smallest bit of dirt and they will run very rough and will stall under load, any way this is my experience, good luck

  4. #4

    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    Check also that the grease in the mechanical advance under the flywheel has not gone hard stopping proper timing. Cheers
    Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
    Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing

  5. #5

    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    Could it be a faulty ignition/power pack module? Have seen a Yammi 50 do exactly the same thing with this fault.
    Leigh (Kero).

  6. #6

    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    Have the same motor and have had a similar problem. Couldnt even drive it up onto the trailer. Carbies were pulled off and cleaned out and everything good again. May not be your problem but sounds similar. good luck mate.
    Fishing! Its the way of life.
    Southwind 6.70

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member gruntahunta's Avatar
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    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    Could be compression which is the worst case scenario I know. Mate had same issues with a Johno, ran great in flush tank but put it under load in water and no was down on compresion and needed reboring.

    Gotta Love Maroochydore.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
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    Townsville Qld

    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    Same problem with mine. 3 mechanics until the carbies were completely cleaned. I have not change mechanics since and the motor purrs. At the very least get the mechanic to clean both and eliminate this as the problem and as a bi-product get better starting and fuel consumption.

  9. #9

    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    yep sensitive carbies on those. I have a 130hp (same motor) get carbies cleaned properly and start from there
    by the sounds of it you need to look for a new mechanic

  10. #10

    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    Thanks for the responses everyone. So i heard back from the mechanic yesterday and he has advised that the stator is stuffed and needs replacing. Unfortunately this is going to be to the tune of $1,100. Does this seem excessive? I have tried to look around for a price on the part but can't seem to find much info...

  11. #11

    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    Google CDI boat electrics, you may get a surprise.


  12. #12

    Re: Problem with Yamaha 115 Saltwater Series (2 stroke)

    2500 is about where the main jets start to kick in, find a new mechanic

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