I'm hoping someone can help me out to diagnose an issue I am having with my Yamaha 115hp 2 stroke outboard. I have now taken then motor into the mechanic twice and they still have not been able to resolve the issue!
The problem is that when the boat is under load I can only reach up to 2,500 revs. When i described what was happening to the mechanic they thought it might have been some stale / dirty fuel and that the some of the carbies may have gotten dirty. So they had a look at the carbies and cleaned only one of them as they said it was only running on 3 cylinders and i emptied the tank and re filled with fresh fuel.
Unfortunately I am still continuing to have the same issues when I water tested yesterday. When the boat is not under load it will go through the full rev range. But when they boat is under load you can hear a noticeable shaking of the engine and as soon as you hit 2,500 revs putting the throttle down there is no more power.
I plan on taking the boat back to the mechanic tomorrow for a please explain. The labor bill is starting to get up there though and I still don't have a functioning outboard!
Any help is most appreciated.