Receive a text from Mossy, "Definitely Fishing Wednesday, are you keen", you bet I reply's, meeting at the usual ramp 5.00am, see you there. So, Wednesday morning we meet at Boat ramp, intro to Adam and then off to Mud. Cruising up the Brisbane river on dawn is just a beautiful time of the day, out the mouth and across to mud to Mossy's "Snapper Honey Hole". Drift for a while, a few enquirers from the preschool squire, then in the distance I see Mossy in a decent battle, as I get closer I see a monster from the sea lifted onto the deck, 78cm of Snapper I am told as I get close. What on I ask ? ZMAN naturally is the reply. So back to drifting around the different marks I go. I move over to some old marks I have and on the second drift my little Shimano 2500 starts to scream, line disappearing quickly, I on, and into a good fight, then without notice the other Shimano goes off, sh#t I say "double hook up" WTF now. So, I tighten the drag on the first reel and place the rod into the rod holder and pick up the other rod, Give it a few lifts and turns and quickly realize this is the better fish, so into battle I go. After some good runs and chasing for 5 minutes this brute of a snapper rolls on the surface, what a beauty. Thinking, "hole the rod high", "turn the motor off", "grab the net", sh#t it still has a few runs. Bugger, "keep you cool" I tell myself. Anyway after another anxious 5 minutes a 76cm snapper is netted and on the deck. Yahoo a PB on ZMANs. Fish in the ezky and then attend to the other line, fish gone but the ZMAN I had on it is mashed, jighead is crushed.
What an exciting 15 minutes, thanks Mossy for the call and introduction to the ZMAN line of soft plastics.
Looking forward to the next trip and the wife just loves fresh snapper for dinner.
Regards, Mark