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Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recreation - Page 8

View Poll Results: Is the LNP are doing a good job with policies relating to recreational fishing??

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  • yes

    22 18.64%
  • no

    46 38.98%
  • what policies

    50 42.37%
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Thread: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recreation

  1. #106

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Thanks Mike and once again, there is NOTHING there that remotely resembles a lie or broken promise.

    Maybe it is me, I just can't see any facts that can back that up ????

    And before we go any further, I would support any , ANY , member of Ausfish that is and has been subjected to the harrassment that Mark has been afforded. My support goes as far as seeking the truth / facts from his detractors and quite frankly, no one has produced even a single sentence that could be considered ammo to load the smoking gun.

    I have said this before, the ONLY thing that could be considered for debate is that there has been no movement on the " green Zone 1 hook or specific Recreational Fishing Policy "..... does no movement mean he lied , or does it mean that the LNP have bigger fish to fry before committing to non-core policy decisions ? Let's also remember that Mark has always stated that the " LNP ".... " party " would do this and that. I again repeat that some of these decisions are out of his hands, but that by no means takes away from the fact that he is continually knocking on the doors of the Minister and the Boss and indeed all other party members.

    Detractors and Tall Poppy Chopper Downers......... attention.

    Place yourself in Mark's shoes for a minute and have a think. Early this year and well before that, you ARE the Shadow Minister for Fisheries and spoke in parliament many times about the wishes and concerns of Rec Fishers in Qld. You are an avid rec fisho and your education consists of a PhD at the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland, a Masters degree in International and Asian Studies at Griffith University, a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Marine Biology and Zoology from James Cook University, and a Diploma in Christian Ministry.

    You gained the seat in the previous election with the support of recreational fishers, so your experience is well documented. The 2011 election takes place and you hold your seat easily and are " shunted " from the ministery and a new comer is appointed to the portfolio. How do you feel ???? No one is more disappointed in the results of the election outcome than Mark. But does he go off being a " Sooky La La ".....? No, he gets on with the job ( s ) he is allocated, and still maintains the passion for rec fishing and does the best he can from where he is situated in the party / parliament. If he is not there....... he cannot support and lobby on our behalf.

    IF anyone here feels they can do a better job, get things done and also have the thickest of skins to ward off the plethora of barbs thrown from the sidelines, then put ya hands up and run for a seat in parliament............ attaining a seat in any governing party does not necessarily mean you get to follow your dreams, live out your passion or achieve all that you want, when you want.

    I have met Noddy socially and for " business " and yes, while not IMO, being a BCF guy, he certainly has camped on Moreton and Straddie taking his 4 x 4 and definately wet a line on many ocassions while on holidays there with his family.

    Morning session done............ work is next...... or fishing ?

    I look forward to a " fishing " report from Gazza....... but won't be holding my breath

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  2. #107

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Keep holding your breath , maybe Mark quals. would better suit him being a teacher of lote at a christian school
    I'll put in a fishing report when I can fish legally in a Green Zone , the LNP Fishing Policy NEVER HAPPENNED , so that's just factual history nowadays

    Phill , only 17% of this poll , think the LNP is doing a good job , 83% think the opposite

  3. #108

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    So what is the full, unabridged version of the LNP fishing policy?
    I intend on living far so good

  4. #109

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Quote Originally Posted by Gazza View Post
    Keep holding your breath , maybe Mark quals. would better suit him being a teacher of lote at a christian school
    I'll put in a fishing report when I can fish legally in a Green Zone , the LNP Fishing Policy NEVER HAPPENNED , so that's just factual history nowadays

    Phill , only 17% of this poll , think the LNP is doing a good job , 83% think the opposite
    Gazza.... please PLEASE show me and others where you get your info from...... I am sorry but everything you have said, stated about LNP policy is NOT from LNP policy and as far as I can assertain, you have made it up. If you feel I am wrong,,, PLEASE show me the LNP policy that backs up your...... STORIES !!!!

    The only policy............ AGAIN............ that involves some part of Recreational Fishing is the Marine Infrastructure Policy and that is on the table and being rolled out. It is quite clearly stated, in writing, in english that this policy will be rolled out over 4 years....... This policy can be found in thousands of places online...... it is not a secret.

    Again...... your " factual history " comment does nothing to address the topic or enhance your ability to debate or otherwise the facts / topic at hand. It is also untrue.... if of course, you are refering to the M.I .P as I have stated, that is being rolled out over 4 years and we are only 7 months into that term.

    I am really frustrated at the lack of commitment by the contributors of this thread to answer any of my questions, come up with facts and or point out where MP Mark or others have lied or broken a promise.......... if it is that hard to do so, then maybe YOU are the ones that are lying or simply misinterpreted or misunderstood the facts, either way I await eagerly anything of substance from the Tall Poppy Chopper Downers.

    Back to the V8's........... vrooooooommmm

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  5. #110
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    sorry Phill..but there are no tall poppies involved. A pollie is definitely not a tall poppy..and one that is involved with a Party that resorts to lat night legislation changes is even further down the ranks...remember all the hullabaloo when the Joh Govt did similar.

    You may be correct re rec fishing policy..we were all suckered in by the spin without asking for the substance..well, some did but none was forthcoming.

    My opinion of MP Mark is not very high after the changes to the civil union legislation...definitely not a tall poppy.

    History has proven many times that one of the most dangerous things you can have is a man with a bible in one hand and the power of the legislature in the other. That is the same reason I could not vote for Tim Mander in Everton.

  6. #111

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Phil, what's the point if you refuse to acknowledge MP Mark's pre election promises of clear and detailed fishing policies as soon as the election was called. If he was a Labor pollie you'd be trying to have him drawn and quartered for using Ausfish like that.

    And now if it wasn't bad enough that he told us porky pies on Ausfish and lied to me personally at the Tinnie n Tackle Show, MP Mark has un-friended me on FaceBook, the scoundrel.

  7. #112

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Mike........ the part people don't get is that " as you have rightly pointed out " fishing policies.

    No where, NO WHERE have I ever seen Recreational Fishing Policies in anything you or anyone else has posted up.

    I am not defending Mark, I am defending an Ausfish member and I am defending my ability to READ what is written. Yes being perdantic etc, but that is the way people in Politicial life speak, and 99% of the voting population cannot READ what they write or undertsand what they say.

    I acknowledge Mark's pre-election proimise, but I can also read it . As per your signature.... the important part in all of that is quite clear. 2 things " his party " and " fisheries policy ".

    If anyone can read that signature and find the words " I promise " or " recreational fishing policy "...... you deserve to be Knighted, seriously, thios whole thing is no big deal, but it seems people in general just want to dump on pollies.

    SO, I again ask........ please PLEASE PLEASE............ someone , anyone.......... post up, link me or copy and paste anything that resembles a lie from the MP.

    And if you go down the track of Mike's signature statement........ well.... ???? As I have stated..... he told us " his party would do this "...... his party did not...... do we hold him responsible for actions taken that were never under his control ? And if you decide to hold him responsible for this, is that the worst action / thing anyone can come up with from Mark in his 4 years in parlaimentary office....... 1 little teensy weeny, non-descript statement that didn't go the way he wanted ........ oh boy !!!!!!!!!!

    I am unsure what went down or what was said to you , Mike , at the Tinnie & Tackle show, so I cannot comment on that.

    I will say that I have met with many....... MANY pollies over the last 5 years or so and found most of them......... human. Some are a little " robotic " in their responses to questions, but on the whole are very approachable. ALL......... ALL.......... of them carefully answer questions and word their sentences accordingly. You get to learn what they are actually saying and what they are not.

    Let's look at the facts and try to get back on track.

    1. The LNP has no Rcereational Fishing Policy of their own that is tangible.

    2. The current Recreational Fishing Policy stands as a left-over from the previous Government.

    3. Any current regulations and legislation are still enforce and most of them are left over from the previous Government.

    4. The LNP have a M.I.F. ( Marine Infrastructure Fund ) and part of that has funding allocated for Recreational Fishing activities ( $50 Mill ).

    5. The M.I.F is being rolled out, but no specific visible assests have been deployed. In the discussion phase as we speak.

    6. We have several sitting MP's within this current Government that have Recreational Fishing as a hobbie and or passion.

    7. The current Government have a priority list of what they deem to be essential to " get the State back on track ", and although I do not know exactly what this is, I am confident in my guess that Rcereational Fishing items are not high on the agenda.

    8. The M.I.F is is being rolled out over 4 years....... it is 7 months into that term......... early days.

    9. There have been rumblings in the hallowed halls regarding the " one hook / one rod " Green Zone suggestion and I believe that matter will be enacted on in the new year. Having said that, the " Science " we all wanted needs to be done........... unfortunately the funding for such science has not been allocated and is not part of the M.I.F.

    10. It's 20 sleeps til the Big Fat Red Man slides down the chimney and brings Gazza a fishing rod so he can actually go fishing.

    ><> ><> ><>

    ><> ><>


    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  8. #113

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Phil .... Ausfishers were "duped" - no two ways about it ........ now I'm not going to go back through all of the posts (I really don't have to)

    Mark joined this site & made it clear he was the LNPs fisheries spokesperson . He made a point of bagging out on several fisheries issues that the government were involved in eg Snapper , Gladstone , bycatch etc and how an LNP government would do things differently/better with the use of science.... blah blah blah . There was certainly the mention of things that sounded like policy to me ..... "1 line /hook in green zones" a statement made like that is not something that is pulled out of thin air .... otherwise why say it unless you knew that you would not be held accountable .
    I'm sure many thought ......" yes about time we had someone championing our cause " and no doubt votes were gained. Mark let all and sundry believe that fisheries was going to be high on the agenda for an LNP government ( I think he even had a broadside at the government saying that they did not have a representative on here) .

    Now , one way or another was Mark speaking without the authority to do so and or he was just using this site as a platform to bag the government and gain votes
    At no stage did Mark pull the reins in nor were there too many disclaimers mentioned ........ he just kept going & dragging the faithful along with him .

    So that said -
    Did Mark lie or did he just deceive us ? ....... take your pick

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  9. #114

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    When it comes to pollies its all in the detail.

    No doubt next time around people will be demanding greater detail from Mark.


  10. #115

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    Did Mark lie or did he just deceive us ? ....... take your pick

    It's a pretty fine line between the two. Fibbing or deception
    Quote Originally Posted by Steeler View Post
    When it comes to pollies its all in the detail.

    No doubt next time around people will be demanding greater detail from Mark.
    I thought I was doing that last time asking for clarifications on extremely broad statements all the time.
    I intend on living far so good

  11. #116

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Whats happened to Charlie? Surely he's too smart to get himself banned... Likes to walk a fine line though.

  12. #117

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    It's a pretty fine line between the two. Fibbing or deception

    That's why they were the two options given ........... I find it very difficult to accuse the "Minister for Announcements" of actually lying - but certainly able to of Deception.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  13. #118

    Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    YAWN............ YAWN........... YAWN..............

    Is it really that hard to come up with something that resembles a fact ??????????????

    I put up 10......... oh, except for number 10..... that was to see if Gazza was awake....

    I really don't think people get it......... just my opinion.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  14. #119

    Cool Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Now , one way or another was Mark speaking without the authority to do so and or he was just using this site as a platform to bag the government and gain votes
    Snxxxx.....snxxxx....snxxxx (finga snoring)

    By the poll Nagg , 83% think both

    [and "I" haven't even voted regards "this" poll , probably "will" (in the affirmative) when we're legally fishing in a green zone ]

  15. #120

    Question Re: Do you think the LNP is doing a good job in relation to policies affecting recrea

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    YAWN............ YAWN........... YAWN..............
    Is it really that hard to come up with something that resembles a fact ??????????????

    I really don't think people get it......... just my opinion.
    MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE , the LNP "has" struggled & is still STRUGGLING to do that "factual" bit

    WHY do you expect RecFishos to be any different dealing with LNP GIBBERISH ??????????????

    p.s. My pre-apols 2 Cobiaman , I do hope your eyes don't jump from their sockets reading"LNP GIBBERISH"
    good to see the Mod delete wording that made your ears fall off

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