Originally Posted by
Firstly, it's a three year Electoral cycle, so no one's judgement is required until the end. It hasn't been long yet and I think the Government has bigger... um... fish to fry, if you'll pardon the expression. Given we are not at the top of the list, is it surprising not much is happening, 6 months in? Not really, unless you have unreasonable expectations.
Second, Mark's comments/announcements here were always predicated on the idea that he would end up as Fisheries Minister. He didn't, so it's a wee bit rough to judge him on that front. I know he pointed that out quite a few times, but it's clearly convenient to forget that sometimes and some people just love to ignore facts when it comes time to criticise (all the time for some trollies, geez, get back under your bridges will you?). He IS working hard to get some results for us, but so many choose not to see that, or to accept it. Give the guy a break, he deserves it.
Third, as BigE pointed out, NOTHING has happened. That at least is good.
There may be a fourth and fifth, too, but I'm full as a boot after an afternoon sailing and drinking, in the hands of a very good Skipper.
And as a sixth, I haven't voted in this poll, sorry to disappoint. So if Mark hasn't, how many evil disagreers with the rusted on Labor looneys are there out there? Call that a stick in the ants nest. I'll come back and check the faux offendend responses in six months or so. It's all the effort they're worth, and I have many better things to do, dinner guests are due now.
Little wonder they haven't said why, given you lot are like Oprah on a baked ham when anyone disagrees with you.
Oh an edit. Champagne, you know... It is very, very difficult to ask for a reduction in Green Zones. The process is a bitch. Asking for the impossible, then blaming the LNP when you don't get it is unreasonable/expected - whichever way you want it. Access to them is the only issue worth spending breath on. Talk to McVeigh about it. Loud and often. If you're not doing that, you're just a whinger. Plenty of those here, right?