In the local rag
Attachment 90991
what policies
In the local rag
Attachment 90991
hope this way works.
Do you really think Fisheries Minister McVeigh is doing a good job Mark or are you just towing the party line? Do you have any idea at all of what's been happening in Qld Fisheries?
Did you know the Freshwater Fish Stocking Assoc of Qld has just been advised that Fisheries Queensland no longer engages in “industry development” and as such will not be expanding any facet of the stocking program.
I don't recall anglers requesting that change.
Maybe we should sell our Fisheries????.....with bag/size limits to the successful bidder , of course with "this is better for QLD" .... of course
Maybe we should let RecFisho(s) fish areas we can't presently access.
Both have merit , but only one is practical...JMO , (pick B.)