What would be good is for Mark to pop along and clarify things and clear up any confusion over these fees and charges issues.
You know get it from the source so to speak, rather than a friend of a friend of a friend perspective.
what policies
What would be good is for Mark to pop along and clarify things and clear up any confusion over these fees and charges issues.
You know get it from the source so to speak, rather than a friend of a friend of a friend perspective.
Thanks Mike. That is a very educational post. Very helpful.
Rec fishos are the enemy of the government, they (the government) supply scientific advice to netters (free of charge) on where and when to haul the catch, that's why there's a net boat sitting 300 meters out off your fav spot.
Give me a break.
Best way to handle this is don't buy any fishing gear.
Currently the market IMO is based on tomfoolery of if you don't catch any fish then you have not bought enough gear.
How many of us run down and spend the best part of $100.00 on gear but still come home empty handed.
I called my insurer and found out what happened.
I had 6 insurance policies with same company and was afforded discounted premiums.
I decided to change all CTP's ( 4 ) to same company asked for " the deal / discount ".
What happened was they could not discount the CTP but reduced the " overall " premiums by a further 5%. total policies are now 10 with same company. So , although I did not get the CTP discount ( you are correct Mike and I will go into this further ) I did get a discount due to changing my CTP to same insurer. It appears I have been slightly mislead, which means I mislead you guys. Took a while to get the true info. In the end I got a discount........ in the round about way. I did end up saving just over $160 / year which is knocking off 6 months CTP on my bike........
Anyway, I looked into it further. The site www.maic.qld.gov.au has an online calculator. This site is part of Transport and Main Roads and the calculator is to " compare the different premiums offered by Queensland's licensed CTP insurers ". That is quoted. Well I went to site and logged in details...... many options and ALL, yes bloody ALL CTP premiums offered by all insurers are exactly the same in each instance.
To me , the information in the leaflet ( attached to me recent rego invoice ) is misleading at best, but certainly a LIE.
I have contacted the MAIC ( Commission ) for a " Pauline Hanson ".
I will still maintain ( much to everyones annoyance ) that the policy announcement made by Noddy is correct.
NAGG, your family car registration has NOT gone up. If you believe it has, could you scan and paste up the evidence. Not being critical, but I usually don't believe things until I see them. The previous Government ( and possibly all governments ) before this one increased “ registration cost “ every year, so if Noddy has NOT increased, yes, you have saved... or maybe you say, you have not been charged extra... either way, you are paying less than what you would have under any other circumstance.
Using that rational' if you use the Woolies discount fuel voucher at the servo, are you really saving ??? I mean, you are still paying the GST ( 10 % ) and Excise and the servo up the road is cheaper to start with for the same product.
I think the point has been done..... but still not happy about MAIC claiming to “ compare the different premiums “.
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
Dear Mr Kliese
Thank you for your email regarding the CTP premium calculator on the Motor
Accident Insurance Commission (the Commission) internet site.
I can confirm that the on-line premium calculator is correct and that all
insurers filed the same premium for Class 1 vehicles (cars and station
wagons) for the quarter commencing 1 January 2013.
It is useful to have some background information on the premium setting
process in order to understand the reason for this situation. Licensed
insurers file premium rates each quarter within a floor and ceiling range
that has been independently determined by the Commission. The setting of
premium bands by the Commission is based on independent actuarial analysis
of claims data to ensure that the total premium pool is sufficient to meet
the cost of personal injury claims.
Insurers, in setting their individual premiums for each quarter, consider
the expected cost of claims. As you have pointed out in your email, the
insurers have all filed the same amount this quarter. This is a result of
the insurers having all filed at the upper limit of the band set by the
Commission. Since the introduction of this system of vehicle class filing
from 1 October 2000, insurers have filed premiums on a quarterly basis
within the bands set by the Commission on 50 occasions and on only nine
occasions have all insurers filed at the same rate for Class 1 vehicles.
It is also worth noting that Queensland currently has the second lowest CTP
premiums in Australia.
In addition to differentiation based on premium, insurers might offer
additional benefits such as Driver Protection Cover or Multi Policy
Discounts so it may be useful to investigate each insurer's offerings
before deciding on your preferred CTP insurer.
I hope this information is of assistance and thank you for your enquiry.
Yours sincerely
Judy Timms
Helpline Officer
Claims Performance
Motor Accident Insurance Commission
Phone: 1300 302 568
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
Thanks Judy,
I appreciate your response and would like to seek further confirmations.
You made reference to Class 1 vehicles and 50 occasions with 9 instances of same premium.
I am aware of at least 24 classes of vehicles.
There are 6 Insurers and with each insurer offering a premium in each class, that is 144 quotes / prices. Of these 144, only 1 price is different for registration this year.
I still maintain that the information contained within the leaflet sent to me is misleading by suggesting I " compare the different premiums offered by Qld licensed insurers ".
Surely having 144 " offerings " and only 1, being different does not equate to " comparing different premiums " ?? That was for a Class 4 vehicle ( Hire vehicles ...... )
If the department feels that the information is correct in the leaflet, I would be grateful to field an explaniation on how they interpret the 144 - 1 ratio as " comparing different premiums ".
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
Maybe so BUT I just did a few online quotes for rego for Mrs Palmer.
NSW has the same sort of CTP crap. Online quotes ranged from $396.62-$570 making the fee required to drive your car for a year between $725.62-$899.
Victoria $696.50
Northern Territory $623.40
South Australia....you work it out. it was too hard for me.
Western Australia about $500.
QLD $821.10.
So QLD might have the second lowest CTP (Is it only 2 states that have CTP as the other States call it something else?) but it can have the highest cost to register a car for 12 months (unless your really dumb and choose the most expensive CTP in NSW)
QLD is higher by a huge margin actually. Mrs Palmer is close enough to $100 more expensive to own by living in Queensland then any other state.
I intend on living for-ever....so far so good
Thanks Scotty.
maybe you can re-post your findings in an email to Judy Timms.
email :- maic@maic.qld.gov.au
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
Now that is a terrific idea Phill.
I'll be onto that like a blowfly onto horse poo straight after I mow the lawn next door.
Thanks for the suggestion.![]()
I intend on living for-ever....so far so good
OMG !!!
Dear Mr Kliese
Thank you for your further email.
The Commission confirms that the information you refer to within the
leaflet is accurate. CTP premiums are set on a quarterly basis which means
insurer premiums may change across all vehicle classes each quarter.
Yours sincerely
Judy Timms
Helpline Officer
Claims Performance
Motor Accident Insurance Commission
With people like this in Government, is it any wonder we are doomed.
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
Touch your CTP toes Phill..... i.e. bendover to the pink drink with a straw ,on the floor ,in front of you to ~160degrees...less if you have a LONG straw ...lolol
p.s. you were my FAVOURITE mod in 2012 ....hny 2013 *wink*
Kind Regards
CPT is a perfect example of crony capitalism at work. One of the biggest rorts of the individuals money for private profit.
We need a federal government with some integrity to weed out this crony capitalism on a wholesale scale.
Makes my blood boil.
Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.