I found this website and was wondering how the prices compare.
Cheers then
I found this website and was wondering how the prices compare.
Cheers then
I intend on living for-ever....so far so good
If you think a tld 25 for $229 is cheap , you must have bolts in your head.
Bolts in your head? Not rocks? Either way pretty agressive response, but I would agree that $229 seems a little pricey for a TLD25. But their Saltist levelwinds seem like great value. Under $260 compared to $300-$310 on some other well known online stores.
Yeah. That's the exact one that court my eye matey. I thought they were around the $150 mark.
I was actually looking for batteries and saw they had fishing gear and I was wondering how the prices compared. I wouldn't know. 95% of my reels cost less then $10 from garbage sales.
I intend on living for-ever....so far so good
That place where you can go fishing and camping and boating has a combo: TLD25 with a rod and a gimbal belt for $199.
He'd need to get a couple Greg.
One for whiting, the other for gar.
TOL is keeping this one close to his chest Greg,
Tangles KFC