The first thing I always do when I arrive for a week at Iluka is unload the car and then head for the main wall to catch a feed of bream so that I can feed the family or the rellies when they arrive. So, lastTuesday by about 2.30 p.m., I was settled in at my favourite bream spot ready to load up. About three hours later I quit on sunset with one just legal bream in the bag, and a couple of wirrahs returned. What was a bit worrying was that in all that time I had hardly had a bite, even though the tide was pretty good –no undersize bream, not even any rubbish picking the baits apart.
At dawn the following morning I’m out the front of the Iluka Bluff ready to pull some nice bream and/or tarwhine from a number of my favourite spots. Conditions were close to perfect with a flat sea, low tide and just a slight northerly breeze. For the next hour or two I worked about 5 top spots and could not get a touch on my baits except for a couple more wirrahs. Finally, when I was close to giving up, I got a solid bite and hooked up on a reasonable fish. As I palmed the spinning spool of the Alvey I decided that it was better than reasonable - it was at least a decent fish. The area I was fishing was shallow and rocky and I was struggling to keep this fish (which I had upgraded to ‘good’ by this stage) away from the rocks until I could get a look at it. At last I brought it up and was very pleased to see a jew of about 4 – 5 kg. Now my troubles had just begun as the fish was too big to lift and the rocks along most of the Bluff drop vertically into the water. For just this occasion I had brought a two piece gaff with me – which was still in the car, since I was expecting to catch bream. With more than a bit of luck I was able to lead the fish about twenty metres to a bit of sloping rock and wash it up on a small wave. ‘That’s better than a few bream’ I thought.
Five minutes later I hook a similar fish and bring it to the rocks but lose it before I can land it – remember the gaff next time, you idiot! After another hour, which only yielded one good bream, right on 40cm, I quit and went back to the cabin for breakfast.
About an hour later I’m back on the wall for the change of the tide at the top – a good time for bream. Again I cannot give a bait away - to anything. This is very strange! The highlight of this session was a southern right whale and her calf playing around just north of the wall for a couple of hours. I’ve never seen a southern right whale so far north before. They usually frequent the Great Australian Bight I thought.
Next morning (Thursday) I’m back at the Bluff (with gaff) at dawn to try again. The northerly has picked up but it is still fishable. I hook three jew and land two of them – nice fish around the 3.5 – 4kg mark. Guess what I’ll be doing tomorrow.
By Friday the northerly is absolutely howling and the Bluff is virtually unfishable. I stick it out in one spot for about an hour, hooking and losing one jew(?) and landing one good bream before giving it away.
Overnight the wind moves through the west and drops and by dawn Saturday conditions are perfect again. I land three more school jew around the 2.5 – 3kg mark and two bream. By this time my daughter has arrived with her camera, so she gets a few ‘action’ shots.
Sunday morning sees me at the Bluff again with the wind moving to the south and freshening. The swell has increased but it is still fishable. I get only the one jew of about 3.5 – 4 kg and another bream.
By Monday the swell is up to a couple of metres and fishing the front of the Bluff is impossible. I try a couple of my favourite lizard locations for one undersized fish, and conditions were never right for my luderick locations – but who cares?
My weeks fishing produced only 13 legal fish – 6 bream and 7 jew. But that’s what I call a result! I wonder if there’s a cabin free nextweek!
Cheers Freeeedom