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Thread: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

  1. #16
    Ausfish Platinum Member netmaker's Avatar
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    the email i sent to both my local member paul bishop and to the mayor karen williams:

    i must say i am very disappointed in the result of the meeting this morning and in the way you voted, particularly as you seemed sympathetic to the problem when i first contacted you. unfortunately the way you voted will certainly affect the way that i will be voting next election and as many people as i can influence. i will also add that boaties will not lay down and accept this and you can expect some trouble brewing at the point.

    david anderson
    fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!

  2. #17
    Ausfish Silver Member OODIES's Avatar
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    I would like to remind you guys of a previous post from Matt Fraser, as I believe it has absolute merit and would take our disappointment in the current situation and outcome in council regarding the problem with parking in general at Wellington Point, to a wider audience: Re: wello pt boat blockade
    G'day Dave,

    I use Wello regularly both for boating and family gatherings. Its a popular spot, and it can be just as difficult getting a car park or a trailer park at times. I've been frustrated by having to park on the road in, and other times I've seen the trailer parking bare, due to rough conditions, where it doesn't really matter who parks in trailer spaces.

    On busy summer days it can be a nightmare. Wello needs more parks for both cars and trailers. I agree with your suggestion of extending the parking to the South East, if you look at the photo below, there is heaps of room here, and the playground could be relocated further south.

    Attachment 82629

    I reckon if you block cars out you are just going to piss people off. If a family is coming down to the point to celebrate a special occasion and that is ruined by a bunch of redneck boaties, they are going to be very peeved and remember it for a long time. We need to get the public on board, not offside. You may get some publicity, but is it the kind you want. Do we have to worry about our cars getting keyed while we are out fishing. We will gain no support and empathy from the public.

    If we have a well organised rally, where we fill the trailer spots first, have a BBQ breaky and rally, before departing in convoy around 10am to take the protest through the streets of the Redlands, with banners and signs on boats. We could spread the message further, get more support and reach more people. Also it will clear the point for families to have their lunchtime gatherings.

    No need to make it a private undercover operation, us against them. Make the date public, get it written up in the paper and let people know, I reckon you will get more support, and more empathy, heck you might even get the public involved protesting for the same thing. More parking spaces at Wellington Point!

    Just my opinion, take it or leave it, well done for getting something started.


    Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge

  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member netmaker's Avatar
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    bingo. if you are going to quote someone remember to FULLY quote
    Re: unfriggin believable

    That is shocking! I can't believe they are all in the rigging bays! and so many trailer bays!! Well done on getting the photos, and informing the authorities - for what its worth.

    I'm on board for the protest rally/blockade.



    after speaking with moonlighter tonight i have also sent emails to sunfish, marine queensland and mark robinson. it was also suggested that we form some sort of committee or working group. i think this is probably a good idea and would suggest a meeting at hogans pub at wello point. those of you in the area who are agreeable to such a thing, please pm me.
    fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!

  4. #19

    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    Here is some more possible ammo (case study) for you regarding shared parking. Hope it helps as cars parking in trailer bays does not work full stop and pisses me off no end.

    When we lived in WA I used to occasionally launch at Hillarys Marina and always dreaded it if I didn't get there early on weekends. There is shared parking and it doesn't work full stop. Hillarys Marina is a tourist trap much like Wellington Point it seems and all (or most) bays are marked as trailer bays. What ends up happening is people with cars only park where ever is convenient and park a car in a double length bay effectively rendering the whole double bay useless to anyone with a boat trailer on the back.

    Here is the Google Maps Sat image of the car park at Hillarys

    Move a dozen kms North and you have Ocean Reef Marina with no parking problems because the marina was built with ample parking 30 years ago and is not a tourist trap

    Keep up the fight and I'll be in if you need another trailer for the blockade even though I'm on the Goldy. It will only get worse here so maybe you guys from Brissy way can help us down here when need be. Australia Day sounds bit late for a blockade at Wellington Point though as Summer is almost here and the parking will only get worse for you guys.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member netmaker's Avatar
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    thanks linedropper and i for 1 would be happy to help with the same problem at other ramps. the only reason i think australia day would be good is because it will attract maximum attention. the fact of the matter is that it is and will be a problem regardless of council action. there are so many cars parked there at times that 1 council officer taking pictures and writing tickets only makes it to about 25 cars in his 2 hour session. fathers day saw well over 100 illegally parked cars. i think there were more as 69 of the 75 bays were taken by cars, most with 2 and even some with 3 cars parked in them. there was even 2 cars parked behind 2 trailers, effectively boxing them in. i also witnessed the police do a circuit of the point while i was there. guess they must have just wanted to see the view as they didn't stop. i then rang council and police but apparently they didn't bother. again passed 2 boaties on my way home who would have had nowhere to park. why cant boaties enjoy fathers day too? even if council had actually adopted the recommendations the weekends would still be hell. but this is definately a step in the wrong direction and we need to dig in our heels.
    fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!

  6. #21

    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    Dave am with you all the way mate. what ever i can do just let me know.

  7. #22
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mr__Bean's Avatar
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    Don't despair Dave you are doing great work....

    Is Australia Day too far away?

    Should we strike while the iron is hot?

    Cars with trailers, gazebos, bbq's etc


  8. #23
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    Forget Australia Day; I think the Queens birthday in October would be a prime opportunity for a "Boaties BBQ".
    The longer we wait the more forgotten and accepted the new arrangement will become.

    May I also suggest we fill ALL the trailer parks and then move into the car parks due to "insufficient allocation" in accordance with state government requirements. Issue me a ticket and I'll fight it every day of the week.

    Angry (literally)

  9. #24
    Ausfish Silver Member OODIES's Avatar
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    Agreed, the sooner the better, for the 1st action anyway, a significant date would always draw a larger crowd, just to state the obvious.
    Maybe we need time to consider all options and compose ourselves for an intelligent approach though.


  10. #25
    Ausfish Platinum Member netmaker's Avatar
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr__Bean View Post
    Is Australia Day too far away?
    are you too far away? dont have your number yet darren
    and yes. maybe australia day is too far away. i was putting it out there and looking for votes. and i guess we dont have to restrict ourselves to only 1 protest. we may find a wello pt bbq so enjoyable as to warrant a re-visit...
    fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!

  11. #26
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    Quote Originally Posted by netmaker View Post
    are you too far away? dont have your number yet darren
    and yes. maybe australia day is too far away. i was putting it out there and looking for votes. and i guess we dont have to restrict ourselves to only 1 protest. we may find a wello pt bbq so enjoyable as to warrant a re-visit...
    Perhaps a Queens Birthday (October) BBQ with a re-visit on Australia Day if we have no positive result in that 3 month period...........

  12. #27
    Ausfish Silver Member OODIES's Avatar
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...


    You put yourself up very early to cop the cost of a BBQ for any action taken, Now, for any of you who don't know Dave personally, he is a straight up bloke & is very generous, so, I know this is not what Davo was expecting, But, I pledge $100.00 towards the 1st action taken, to cover costs..
    Because if the numbers are right, that might buy the tomato sauce...
    I know Davo personally, as he charges me for my tax return.....Lol
    I have chosen to do this myself, there is no need to pledge & Davo HAS IN NO WAY ASKED FOR OR SUGGESTED THIS...

    BINGO (Dave)

  13. #28
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    Just thinking this through - perhaps we can have a BBQ, fill all boat trailer parks and make sure we occupy all BBqs and seats etc. in the BBq area. We can have a "brunch" and then leave to have a rally through the Cleveland or Capalaba areas. This will still allow the general public to have a BBQ lunch (not piss them off), get our point across and gain further exposure through the rally.
    Just a thought...........

    Oh, we could also give Bunnings a run for their money in the sausage in the bread sales..

  14. #29
    Ausfish Silver Member OODIES's Avatar
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    Quote Originally Posted by Angryant View Post
    Just thinking this through - perhaps we can have a BBQ, fill all boat trailer parks and make sure we occupy all BBqs and seats etc. in the BBq area. We can have a "brunch" and then leave to have a rally through the Cleveland or Capalaba areas. This will still allow the general public to have a BBQ lunch (not piss them off), get our point across and gain further exposure through the rally.
    Just a thought...........

    Oh, we could also give Bunnings a run for their money in the sausage in the bread sales..

    Mate please see my post near the top of this page, a re-post from Matt Fraser, nice Idea though mate and thank you for being pro-active.


  15. #30
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: battle for wello pt lost, the WAR continues...

    Mmm, a classic case of divided we fall.
    May I suggest that four or five members get together and work on a strategy to deal with this issue.
    That way we we will have a consistent and planned way to attack this problem. I'm talking about a "time and space" sequence of events.
    I'm happy to be included if I am needed.


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