I would like to remind you guys of a previous post from Matt Fraser, as I believe it has absolute merit and would take our disappointment in the current situation and outcome in council regarding the problem with parking in general at Wellington Point, to a wider audience: Re: wello pt boat blockade G'day Dave,
I use Wello regularly both for boating and family gatherings. Its a popular spot, and it can be just as difficult getting a car park or a trailer park at times. I've been frustrated by having to park on the road in, and other times I've seen the trailer parking bare, due to rough conditions, where it doesn't really matter who parks in trailer spaces.
On busy summer days it can be a nightmare.
Wello needs more parks for both cars and trailers. I agree with your suggestion of extending the parking to the South East, if you look at the photo below, there is heaps of room here, and the playground could be relocated further south.
Attachment 82629
I reckon if you block cars out you are just going to piss people off. If a family is coming down to the point to celebrate a special occasion and that is ruined by a bunch of redneck boaties, they are going to be very peeved and remember it for a long time. We need to get the public on board, not offside. You may get some publicity, but is it the kind you want. Do we have to worry about our cars getting keyed while we are out fishing. We will gain no support and empathy from the public.
If we have a well organised rally, where we fill the trailer spots first, have a BBQ breaky and rally, before departing in convoy around 10am to take the protest through the streets of the Redlands, with banners and signs on boats. We could spread the message further, get more support and reach more people. Also it will clear the point for families to have their lunchtime gatherings.
No need to make it a private undercover operation, us against them. Make the date public, get it written up in the paper and let people know, I reckon you will get more support, and more empathy, heck you might even get the public involved protesting for the same thing.
More parking spaces at Wellington Point!
Just my opinion, take it or leave it, well done for getting something started.
Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge