My wife and I went for a fish while the kids were at school. Got out by around 9am and stayed out 'til just before 2pm. We were looking for whiting so after hearing so many times that live blood worms was the gun bait we bought a packet - $8.70 for five not so big worms (probably the last time).
Tried the mouth of the Pine for some very small whiting which became livies. The weather was fantastic so headed north of the green zone and dropped a few pots. Drifted around the north marker for zip, saw a couple of boats drifting to the south so joined them, again for zip. By this time the tide was starting to pick up so sounded around and found a bit of bait and anchored. Finally got a hot bite and caught 9 between 22cm and 28cm in about 30 minutes plus a couple of smaller throw backs. Had one of the livies picked up and run for 10m before it was dropped minus the tip of its tail - but no other action there. Wind came up and fish moved on - we could not find them again so pulled the pots (none - must still be a bit early) and headed back to the Pine to get out of the chop and see if we could find any hiding in the river. Only very small models so packed it in and headed home.
Would have been nice to get a few more, but still a great day and half a feed is better than none.
Most the 'tings were caught on worms but also used worms more than the squid when the bite was on so not sure if it made the difference. I would not pay that much again for worms so guess I need to do some research and find out if there are worms to be dug in the Pine - any help would be greatly appreciated.