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Thread: Ausfish Boat Reviews

  1. #1

    Cool Ausfish Boat Reviews

    Since I have joined this site I have asked who knows how many questions on this site regarding various boats. Not too mention the amount of time on the web searching for reviews and information.
    Has anyone thought of doing boat reviews of member boats and having a forum for them that we can all use as a research tool.
    The criteria would be the same as mag reviews without the BS. A few simple rules such as a reviewer can't own the type of boat being reviewed. Perhaps a panel of 3 consisting of 1 ally owner, 1 glass owner and 1 who is deemed independant enough on the day.
    This would fairly easy to do at M&G's etc as there are many member boats in one place.
    Also the opportunity to compare the same make/model with different setups/motor's to help make a decision. I would happily let my (soon to be) boat be reviewed if it helps people out.

  2. #2
    Ozy I reckon it's a good idea but I would prefer it done by the owners.

    Each boat made is a compromise between cost, production speed, offshore ability, spaciousness, fish ability, comfort, economy ,dryness... The list goes on.

    It is possible to offend the owner because his baby doesn't match your conception of the best things to compromise on. But if you know the owner wrote it you can factor his love of his boat into your evaluations and evaluate the non factual, opinion based claims for yourself.

    Also the owner might be prepared to got to more detail than a review team. Just my thoughts.

  3. #3

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    Well said Walrus.

    However I prefer to read reviews done by people that I know have driven a LOT of different boats and have lots of experience. Owner reviews can still be very usefull though.
    For example, I can tell you "My boat handles offshore conditions extremely well, has no bad tendencies if trimmed right and driven to suit the conditions. Is very stable and safe at rest, even with 3 big guys leaning over one side, has lots of fishing room and is well laid out. It might be slightly underpowered with 115hp when fully loaded and could benefit from mounting a motor rated to the hulls max of 130hp."
    BUT I have only ever been on 3 boats of similar size, offshore fishing and one of them was a bowrider setup for family cruising, not fishing. AND I didnt drive either of those boats! So my offshore, 5.5m+ size 'power' boat driving experience, is limited to the 116hrs Ive put on MY boat.


  4. #4

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    The third person could be the owner then. You have 2 people that are not owners of that type of boat and they are reviewing the boat as they see it. It would not be a way of putting someone down for their choices, more an "opinion" of the boat as it is. Things like electronics are personal and in my opinion not relevant in a review like this.
    I have spent a lot of time reading reviews by people who's very jobs are paid for by the companies boats they are reviewing via magazine sponsorship.
    It may not work and people may not be interested in doing it but I think it would be a great resource for people looking to buy their first boat. In fact looking at the number of people on here asking for information on their second or third or whatever boat I am sure would find the info helpful.

  5. #5

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    One point i would like to make....there have been a lot of opinions put forward on various threads about boats (and other subjects) which are complete arse and quite obviously the poster has no idea or experience but feels the need to contribute anyway (most likely done it myself on occasion ) point is the "independent" members of the review panel need to be well versed and experienced in the boat under review rather than just spouting some crap that they believe to be true....just saying (to borrow a phrase)

    Other than that I really like the idea

  6. #6

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    Why not ask Someone like Bill Coreton He is a wealth of knowledge and would be very independent if he was interested ?
    Another judge would be needed along with the owner, 15 points each. 5 for value for money,5 for fish ability, 5 for performance !
    At the end of the day you are talking about most trailer boats 4.5m up to 5-6m.
    You could have up to $40K Then $40-$70K leave it open to Glass vs Tin as its mainly the budget vs usability most ausfish members are chasing.
    I think leaving it to 3 judges 2 being consistent plus the owner is the normal amount of bodies for most trips in the bay or offshore with most of this size family boats.

    No need to add it to a M&G it could be a Test & tune Day Trailer Bearing check and adjust, sausage sizzle for local youth group.
    Would need a good stretch of beach to park a few tubs Maybe Amity or Bribie ?
    Just a few thoughts anyway

  7. #7

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    Could be an Idea DT I would put my boat up to be tested.

  8. #8

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    At the end of the Day giving up 1/2 a day to take each other for a spin out side of the testing is the only true way to see what you have or what you are missing out on

    Davo i'm sure if you bought your 20L noodle bucket along it may even get a run, Depending how far the organizer wanted to go you could add a Tinnie section ?

    If we are chasing a worthwhile recipient for the Day I would put forward Camp Quality as a worthwhile recipient for any funds raised & would be willing to help with the day.

  9. #9

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by ozynorts View Post
    Since I have joined this site I have asked who knows how many questions on this site regarding various boats. Not too mention the amount of time on the web searching for reviews and information.
    Has anyone thought of doing boat reviews of member boats and having a forum for them that we can all use as a research tool.
    The criteria would be the same as mag reviews without the BS. A few simple rules such as a reviewer can't own the type of boat being reviewed. Perhaps a panel of 3 consisting of 1 ally owner, 1 glass owner and 1 who is deemed independant enough on the day.
    This would fairly easy to do at M&G's etc as there are many member boats in one place.
    Also the opportunity to compare the same make/model with different setups/motor's to help make a decision. I would happily let my (soon to be) boat be reviewed if it helps people out.
    I make a point of never making comment on boats on here unless I have owned the boat in question.

    Answers like.."my best mates aunts second cousin had one of those"..really does not cut it. The best people to talk to are the owners or those that have had considerable time in the bost in question.
    Independent reviewers have different "values" as to what makes a good boat for him/her. It is hard in any field to find unbiased opinions whether it be boats, cars or anything else.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member Swanie1975's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
    Gold Coast

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    its a good idea but i already know i have the best boat out there. it floats, starts each time and its the only one my wife would let me have lol.

    when are you picking up your new rig ozy?

    cheers ryan

  11. #11

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    That's why you have people testing boats and review them in mags like Trailer Boat
    Know some personally , they don't read the forums , other reviews ,but they have a lot of knowledge to base there reviews on.

  12. #12

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    Hay swanie, it looks like it will be next weekend.

  13. #13

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by ozynorts View Post
    This would fairly easy to do at M&G's etc as there are many member boats in one place.
    Also the opportunity to compare the same make/model with different setups/motor's to help make a decision. I would happily let my (soon to be) boat be reviewed if it helps people out.
    Quote Originally Posted by ozynorts View Post
    Hay swanie, it looks like it will be next weekend.
    Sounds great, how about at the Agnes 1770 Meet and Greet? Your boat, Noelm and son and Netmaker could test it out for a whole week for you!

    You just need to supply the boat and about 200L of fuel (per day) ohh and some ice and bait thrown in would be good too - want to test the boat fully loaded don't we.

    On a more serious note ...... I don't know if I would let someone (especially if I didn't know them that well or indeed at all) take my boat for a review on the water. Then there is the matter of insurance to consider.

    Most boat reviews in magazines are not much more than paid advertisements. Yes I read them, but mostly for the pictures not the content of the articles - like playboy/penthouse but in reverse!


  14. #14

    Re: Ausfish Boat Reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by Jakers 69 View Post
    That's why you have people testing boats and review them in mags like Trailer Boat
    Know some personally , they don't read the forums , other reviews ,but they have a lot of knowledge to base there reviews on.
    Yeeeeaahhhh righto then, how come every boat gets a good wrap with some token negative like, "I think the boat would benefit if the ignition switch was placed 2cm to the right....but it's only a minor inconvenience".....whoops there's the ad for said boat on the following page.

    Sorry for the sarcasm, haven't had my coffee yet

  15. #15
    I niavely thought that the magazine boat reviews were tests.... Until I had read a few and discovered that every boat is the ideal family, fishing, and passage boat. They all are excellent at everything apart from the ignition switch mentioned above.

    Sorry, but I can't agree that these write ups are actual reviews.

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