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There is a bit of a mixed bag with 'stuff" made in cheap labour contries, you need to hark back to the "good old days" when everything made in Japan was cheap sh!t, then the Taiwanese did to the Japanese what they did to the rest of the world, undercut them with cheap merchandise, then the Chinese did to the Taiwanese what they did to the Japanese, and so it goes. Now to be fair, the Chinese can make some very good stuff, it just dpends on the buyers as to the quality they require, if "they" specify high end, that's what they get, if they specify cheap, that's what they get, so, to that end, a high end reel/rod/whatever made in China, can be every bit as good as one made in the US, Japan or anywhere else, but a cheap crap one, will be just that, as cheap and as crap as you wil find, I saw in one of those reject shop places yesterday, a set of 15 screwdrivers for $3, now anyone expecting them to be quality must have rocks in their head, but for three bucks, Jesus, how do they do it?