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Can I tow tubes with these points?
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Thread: Can I tow tubes with these points?

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Can I tow tubes with these points?

    I have a 5.8m Quintrex Spirit, on both back corners are "t" type bollards. Can I just throw a tube tow rope over this point and tow a tube, the reason I ask is because I have an 11 & 8 yr olds that I can tow in a tube each.
    They are moulded onto the back, not bolted. (they look like they would be strong enough but I would scream if one broke off. I do have a proper tow bridle which I can put on these points also and run two tow ropes off the briddle? I dont have any dedicated tow points on the boat.
    Thanks for any replies.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member bf90's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    Mate I have the same set up on my boat, 5.4 tabs half cab tinnie, the best I have done is 2 tubes with a total of 6 adults at once. There is no way you will break them off. I have even towed home a 20 ft ski boat, that would have to weigh a 1000kg for sure as it had 7 adults and 3 kids in it. When ever I tow I always use a proper tow bridle, you may have to make it longer so it goes around the motor more cause when a tube or a skier goes out one side a long way the rope can rub on the motor. Cheers, Brad.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    So your suggestion would be to definately use the bridle?

  4. #4

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    Good question and for me.

    I'd be asking the boat manufacturer ( for load / tow capacity ) and insurance company.. ( they'll need to know load capacity )... also make sure you have water-skiers coverage included in insurance.

    Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 12-08-2012 at 07:19 PM.
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member bf90's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    Yeah all good point from Lp when I got my boat last year(new) I asked the guys at the factory and they said to me yeah no worries, if you manage to pull or break one of them off then put your life jacket on as the whole of the transom will go with it as well. The main reason I use the bridle is it keeps the weight of the skiier or tubes ect more to the centre of the boat. If you tow off one side or more to the point if there is more weight on one side than the other than that will effect how the boat will handle. yeah I paid an extra $70 for the year for water skiers insurance, up to 10 mil for claims. Is well worth the $70 in my books.

  6. #6

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    I used to tow tubes behind my Quintrex 530 Coastrunner with my ex girlfriend in them.

    She would have easily been well over the 1000kg ski boat with 10 people on board if you want a weight comparison and I never had any dramas.
    As said above I used a proper ski bridle as well for all the same reasons.

  7. #7

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    here's a tricky one bf90. With water skiers coverage, you are only covered for people that YOU tow, if YOU are the one being towed by YOUR boat, that is actually different insurance.... well, it was a few years ago, but worth checking out.

    FWIW, those bollards are certainly strong enough, I have towed a tube with my old 4.1 stessl. and Yes, centering the towing load is preferable with bridle.

    cheers LP
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  8. #8

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    rumy1 Hi mate, When tubing/skiing make sure you use the long bridle, they come in two different lengths and I found the shorter bridle did not clear the outboard , my boat is a 5m Brooker with a 60 yammy. I bought my bridle from Whitworths and I also bought a "bungy" type tow rope that acts like elastic and is more gentle on your boat and fittings.

  9. #9

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    I Have skied with these points on many occasions. However if you are looking at doing a lot of skiing bias have the proper points you can add they are a screw on addition and it's a very simple process to install. What that will do is bring the towed weight lower on the transom and stop the nose from raising to high. They work really well. Will still need the tow brindle but they are only about $25 from most places. And as suggested get the longer one the short one won't go around the motor.

  10. #10

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    I used to tow tubes behind my Quintrex 530 Coastrunner with my ex girlfriend in them.

    She would have easily been well over the 1000kg
    mate, talking about your gilrfriend like that, no wonder she's your ex......

  11. #11

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    its because she was inflatable..... and he used water instead of air.... must of made it more human like i guess...

  12. #12

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    Quote Originally Posted by wayno60 View Post
    mate, talking about your gilrfriend like that, no wonder she's your ex......
    I actually got rid of her so I could get the newer model Isuzu girl from the Tinnie and Tackle show earlier on in the year but as it is like most things I overestimated the value of the one I had and seriously underestimated the cost of the new one hence I'm left with nothing at the moment.

  13. #13

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush........comes to mind and the grass is not aways greener on the other side......

    anyway enough of the fat girlfriend jokes.....

    Rumy you say it looks molded on....Being a tinnie its more like welded on in which case will be a strong as you would ever need.

  14. #14

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    I'm more of nothing ventured, nothing gained kind of guy.

  15. #15

    Re: Can I tow tubes with these points?

    Is the glass half ful or half empty?????

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