The family determined that they were short of high quality protein, so I was sent to the “grocery store” to get some fish. The grocery store being the shoreline at Runaway Bay for another short landbased session. A few hours with yabbies andsome Cribb Island worms produced a feed with some quality fish. The smallest whiting was 31 cm with the best a bit over 38 cm. The best bream was 35 cm. No huge numbers of fish, but a decent feed nonetheless. There were plenty of smaller bream around the 25 to 26 cm, but they were post spawning fish andtheir condition was poor so they were released. The three bream I kept still had some good condition on them. All bar one of the keepers was caught on yabbies. There were quite a few small moses perch and they made very short work of the worms but tended to leave the yabbies alone a bit more.
With the light sinker (00) and the shallow water (about a foot and a half), the whiting really took off like scalded cats when hooked.
I’ll be on 4BC this evening after 6:30 talking about thebiology and ecology of whiting, so tune in if you want to know more.....