Well, when the lad decided he wanted to progress from inflatable to a hard shell, I decided that a trailer was the way to go. Most of what I looked at on gumtree and ebay was either fit for the tip or overpriced so I rang around and the cheapest quote for a boat trailer without skids or rollers to adapt myself, was $1200.
Finally decided to go the easy trailer 8 x 5 as I can use it for other purposes. I had to take it for inspection as it's an import and It failed rego, because despite documentation with the Tare on it, I hadn't noticed that the Tare wasn't stamped on the plate............I automatically assumed it would be and should have looked as it would have saved me a couple of hours waiting around whilst Qld Transport actually checked the legislation. I have made the sellers aware of the fact that Tare is a requirement on the compliance plate in Qld so they are sending me another stamped up correctly.
Here she is...........$700 and about 6 hrs work putting her together (came flat packed)
The cradles are the cheapos from ebay which, although they fit most all roof racks, wouldn't fit a trailer (flat) spar depth of 700mm so new longer bolts were required and 4 metal plates packing to negate the curve of the cradle clamp in order to fit the flat spar of the trailer above and below. The Malibu mini actually sat on the middle spar of the trailer (the middle of the yak being the widest) without the sides touching the cradle floor which is why I've added more padding to the cradle to raise it up to meet the sides of the mini