Headed out wide on Saturday, hoping to explore some new ground and find one of those Blue eye trevalla to tick that off the list.
Fishing was a bit slow at first with some baby gemfish, a couple of snapper and a lone barcod coming aboard.
A move out to some slightly deeper water at 280m, along a ridge that drops to approx 900m over a one km stretch resulted in a few good fish.
430m was the deepest we fished and only had one drop at that after winding up a green eyed shark, no one on board was willing to have another crack.
We had only planned on staying until lunch but as the day went on the wind backed off and the ruby jobfish came on the bite so we stayed a little longer to catch a couple as they taste great and are up there as one of the favourites.
Hapuka was almost 15kg, and the largest barcod went 12kg.
Last fish of the day was the flame snapper.