I nearly didn't get the boat in the water last weekend because of a weird wheel noise.
The Toyota Hilux 2wd front left wheel was making a horrible metal scraping noise as I towed the boat out of the driveway.
Lube Mobile charged me $150 dollars to say nothing was wrong.
When it happened I stopped and jacked wheel up and hand spun it and it was a bad grinding kind of noise. I thought metal brake pad plate on disc because I knew the brake pads would need replacing at next service.
Took wheel off and to my surprise (shows my ignorance) the wheel studs could move 3 or 4 mm either direction inside the steel cup/bowl/cover that the wheel mounts on to. I thought that was bad but Lube mobile says that's normal.
So I used another vehicle to tow boat for family day out.... Thank god for the old falcon wagon I gave my daughter.
The weird thing was when I put the wheel back on and spun it again it was silent.... Fixed? But I didn't trust it so swapped vehicle and next day got lube mobile out.
My front yard had a mud bit so I was wondering if it wasn't some grit caught somewhere. Any thoughts?
(sorry its not off road or 4wd but thus seemed the most appropriate forum)