This should generate some interesting comments. I am in the market for a new boat was looking at bigger boats but when you do the sums way to expensive mooring and just upkeep alone . So I have now set my sights on a boat in the 6.8 to 7.3 m range trailerable (fiberglass). I Have been looking for quite some time and the question that keeps comming up is are our boats as good as the imports from america and so on. I have just sold a cruisecraft 575 outsider this was a great boat but I need something a little bigger forthe family. I have been looking at the cruisecraft 685 great looking boat and based on my previous exposure Im sure would be an awsome boat .Have not been for a ride in one yet so keen to understand the ride difference between my 575 and the 685I heard that it is significant. BUT I have also been looking at the grady whites(25 journey) and boston whalers(conquest 235) also very nice looking boats with very good reviews. I understand the whole trailer width issues. Do the american boats have better fitout then our boats in that level of boat, If you have experience with any of the above boats i would be inerested to hear.In the end the decision will come down to best bang for the buck.