ok ausfishos. i have decided i am on a crusade. i'm looking for a show of hands. if you haven't read wellington point parking issue threads, please do. if you have, please show some support to your fellow ausfishos and fishos in general. i want to get mobile numbers of those prepared to bring their trailers - boat, box, caravan whatever and come join with some mates for a sunday morning extended barby at the point. date to be weather dependent so it would be good to start putting some names and numbers down so i can send a bulk text when the weather is looking good. i have been giving out fliers to my tax clients referring to the thread and am collecting new numbers daily. i did 40 returns today. most everyone if they dont fish have family and friends who do. those of you who are members on other fishing forums, please post a referral or cut and paste. I am rather certain that the boys in blue are on our side as i was informed by a client today (quite high up the police ladder)that they were very unhappy with councils stance. i told him i was very happy that he was very unhappy. btw, brekky will be on me.