G,Day All
Had a interseting day on Monday ( RDO ) on the Pine . It all started with the fact that one of my fingers is fractured in 6 places . No drama's I thought , no way will that stop me going out .Strapped him up and set out at 0330 for the ramp . Got to the ramp , went to close the car door , and somehow managed to jam " The Finger " in the window . @#@#ing , @#@#ing ,@#@#ity , @#@# says I , that hurt . Oh well ,thought I it cant get any worse than what it is now.
Launched the boat , and in the process managed to collect " The Finger " with the winch handle . @#@#ing , @#@#ing ,@#@#ity , @#@# says I , that hurt . Onward I go undauntered . First to get some livies . First cast of the net , you guessed it , lead weights wrapped around " The Finger ". @#@#ing , etc .Ended up getting what I needed then headed off for a place I have wanted to try for a while .
Anchored up , lines in the drink , sitting back having a hot brew , when one of the lines take off . Jump up , spill steaming hot liquid over the unemployed bloke down below ." Sh!t , starting to get sick of this ", thinks I .
Anyway to cut a long story short ended up with of of these on the end of the line.
Got the second one an hour later and was more than satisified with these two , so decided to head in before I did any more damage .
Caught the bigger one on salted mullet , and the other on live herring .
Both were caught on 6lb braid and 8lb leader .