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Thread: Old Coleman Lantern

  1. #1

    Old Coleman Lantern

    Picked up this old Coleman Air O Lantern from a junk store recently in pretty rough shape.
    A bit of tinkering,a good clean, new mantles and globe and I've got the brightest lantern you will ever see.
    Amazing for a lantern made in 1919.
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  2. #2

    Re: Old Coleman Lantern

    Is it a Kero job and pump up the tank with air as the name suggests ?.Looks like a beauty.

  3. #3

    Re: Old Coleman Lantern

    It runs off Shellite or Coleman fuel and has a separate pump.
    Modern lanterns have the pump built in.

  4. #4

    Re: Old Coleman Lantern

    We love it when old stuff is given new life, reuse, repair, restore or re-purpose it is all good.

    Lantern looks great...I wonder what it has seen in its 93years of existence?

    Tim and Trace

  5. #5

    Re: Old Coleman Lantern

    I often wonder about the history of old relics like this.
    It will probably still be going in another 93 years.
    I have a small collection of lanterns from the early to mid 1900s and they all work.
    They're fun to tinker with as well.

  6. #6

    Re: Old Coleman Lantern

    They still make these lanterns today. They are simple, efficient and very bright. I've got one that I run on unleaded petrol when camping.
    They also have a much warmer/comforting light than the LED lanterns (feel like your camped at a public toilet block).
    Leigh (Kero).

  7. #7

    Re: Old Coleman Lantern

    Quote Originally Posted by Kero View Post
    They still make these lanterns today. They are simple, efficient and very bright. I've got one that I run on unleaded petrol when camping.
    They also have a much warmer/comforting light than the LED lanterns (feel like your camped at a public toilet block).
    Some of my mates use LED lighting. I call them Fairy Lights.

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