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Thread: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

  1. #1

    A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

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ID:	81908Out olf Tweed today fished the 36s east of the bar stuck it out till 11 am in great conditions for 12 squire to 4kg. Pushed the throttle up to 25knots and was enjoying a nice ride home when we passed through 9 mile reef we hit something BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... just like runing up a sand bar but in 30 meters of water.... DAM WHALE !! ddint even stop to see if we were OK.

    Put the trusty Honda in gear and no thrust... bugga.. chuck out the anchor and called VMR... er I need a tow.

    45 mins later we were under way... after signing the disclaimer

    Got to the Bar and its like the last 20 mins of run out.. breaking right across... then the skipper says... keep that knife handy down goes the throttles and all the waves died away.. got through with boat in tow without a scratch... Wasn't full of confidence but the VMR boys did a great job... finnaly got to use my membership

    Got home and yep.. the prop bush (flow Torque) has been smashed

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  2. #2

    Re: A good feed and............ Tow Home :(

    a good feed mate but soured with the breakdown..least you know a good bloke to fix the to see ya home safe and sound
    cheers rosco

  3. #3

    Re: A good feed and............ Tow Home :(

    That membership is worth every single cent mate, I hope I never have to use mine for that though.

    Nice work on the snaps.


  4. #4

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    Of all bars Gary,i would of been sh@tting
    Nice snaps though.
    Be in contact soon for service mate.

  5. #5

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    Yeh Mick... wasn't confident and the call to keep the safety knife handy wasnt a confidence builder. Tow rope was a long one as well... duno how the waves all b ut dissapeared... I can tell you the skipper did not look behind ... just nailed the throttle and we went through

    Talk soon

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  6. #6

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    Gary good to see it all worked out fine ,,nice snaps mate ,,those boys know how to tow through a bar '' FLAT OUT'''' now fix that HONDA as I need a serivce soon before 1770 bill

  7. #7

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    When I first read tow home by spaniard_king I thought what a load of horse exhaust!!!! It was not the mighty honda that let you down, it was the bloody prop bush!!! better that to give in than the box I suppose What a bloody totally ignorant whale hey, cheeky bugger! Bet he had a sore head after gettin belted in the melon by the 225

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member bigjimg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Moorooka, Brisbane.

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    Well Gary sounds like you had "Whale" of a time.Bad luck is all you can put it down to,just lucky that is the only damage.Jim
    Haines Signature "FinaLeigh" 580F 135 Optimax
    CH 81 & 72 VHF

  9. #9

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    Saw on the tele that whales making the trip along the coast number between 14,000 - 18,000 and have been increasing at around 12% per year.....they're a bloody menace! Glad you made it back OK, reminds me, where's that VMR form got to.....

  10. #10

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    There sure was plenty of whales coming past yesterday of the tweed, Garry. Bad luck on hitting one, but at least the snaps were around. We stopped on a show on the way out and found a good feed of pearlies up to 53cm, snaps to 55cm and tuskies, plus lost a few unstoppables. There sure was some bombs every now and then on the bar. How about the water change at the nine mile, clean to dirty.

  11. #11
    Sorry to hear of your misfortune (and, of course, the poor whales....). Glad you got back ok.

    Newbie question... Is the thrust bush the sacrificial part of the prop installation? Designed to break rather than shafts and gears?

    If so is it something you can re-install at sea if its broken? What spares, if any, should I have for that type of event?

    I hope not to hit anything.... But as we just saw, it can happen to even the most experienced of us.

  12. #12

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    Jeez mate, sounds like you could have done with a sweet 20hp Auxiliary. No idea where you could get one from as mine aint going anywhere. Forgot to let you know, it's awesome. 42kph 1 up with gear. 37kph 3 up with pots, eskies etc.
    Thanks again mate.

    There are only two moments in time.... There's now, and there's too late.

  13. #13

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    Bad luck mate.........theres a bloke on Ausfish who fixes those hondas though....Spaniard something they call him.......a 6 pack of stubbies will have ya sorted they reckon.
    Maybe the Edencraft should join the Japanese whaleing fleet !

    Good to see you made it back safe and no real damage was done

    Confidence.......the feeling you get before you fully understand the situation.

  14. #14

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    Bad luck hitting the Whale.... I hope there was no other damage.
    I was north of Moreton yesterday, and saw about a dozen bunches of whales go past. I thought one was gunna take me out, as it came up then it dived quickly when it was about 20m away. I was looking straight along its back as it came at me. I then started looking for my life jacket.... I was wearing it. We were in about 25m of water at the time, so it got under us. Three of it friends went lust behind us.

  15. #15

    Re: A good feed and............ a Tow Home :(

    Scary stuff Gary. Good outcome though considering it could have gotten much worse on at least two occasions that day!

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