Out olf Tweed today fished the 36s east of the bar stuck it out till 11 am in great conditions for 12 squire to 4kg. Pushed the throttle up to 25knots and was enjoying a nice ride home when we passed through 9 mile reef we hit something
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... just like runing up a sand bar but in 30 meters of water.... DAM WHALE !! ddint even stop to see if we were OK.
Put the trusty Honda in gear and no thrust... bugga.. chuck out the anchor and called VMR... er I need a tow.
45 mins later we were under way... after signing the disclaimer
Got to the Bar and its like the last 20 mins of run out.. breaking right across... then the skipper says... keep that knife handydown goes the throttles and all the waves died away.. got through with boat in tow without a scratch... Wasn't full of confidence but the VMR boys did a great job... finnaly got to use my membership
Got home and yep.. the prop bush (flow Torque) has been smashed