I was having a bit of a whinge last week about my stinking leaky water bladder in the boat . I read all the advice and decided it was time to pull it out and redo the whole thing and this time add a deck filler.
I had a chance meeting with Grand Marlin yesterday at Bunnings ( nearly pissed myself Pete!) and he gave me plenty of encouragement and a few tips that Might help a complete twonk like myself find it harder to stuff the job up. He also took me shopping for a few bits of Kit that might make things like this easier.
Pete I hope you dont mind me sharing your hints here.
I was fair shoiting myself at the thought of cutting the glass to install the deck filler, so I measured 55 times and set off, not taking any pics till I got that out of the way.
As the available hole saw was undersize I enlarged the hole with a shiny new carbide bur - HINT 1 ( yep Pete , pricey , but sweet to use!)
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It was also helpful to downsize the hole to leave as much room as possible for the screw holes. I then used a 1/4 inch bit in recess to countersink the screw holes so as not to chip gel coat HINT 2
Some SIKA in the holes and around the filler and in she went. Cleaned up the excess dry then Metho after. HINT3
The fun stuff over it was time to cut the bottom shelf as I had decided to run the 38mm hose under the shelf out of the way.
Check out how thick the shelf was!!.
I then got an elbow on to my first piece and slid id up and onto the filler.
I used a heat gun and dishwahing liquid for Lubrication - HINT 4
BTW Pete you didnt tell me how bloody difficult it would be to fully seat these fittings in that BLOODY pipe!
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Next it was time to pucker up the schpooncter again and cut the two holes in the firewall .I didnt have too much room to get to the space under the seat in the cabin and not go out through the side , so I checked from both sides as I was going.
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continued next post.