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Thread: central coast yeppoon weather forecast fri night

  1. #1

    central coast yeppoon weather forecast fri night

    just wondering peoples oppinions on weather forecast for offshore yeppoon,

    planning on a trip overnight upto karramea,,,, damm weather people are never right seabreeze says 10-15 s-sw droping out saturday..... is it worth fishing swesterlies.........

  2. #2

    Re: central coast yeppoon weather forecast fri night

    Hi My Alibi it looks like 20knots rising at this stage
    Probably going to be a tad lumpy

  3. #3

    Re: central coast yeppoon weather forecast fri night

    MY ALIBI,if your worried about the s/wester why dont you run to the claras, smooth running all the way,grunter should be on the menu,got to keep your options open.

  4. #4

    Re: central coast yeppoon weather forecast fri night

    bigjudge, sorry for the late reply, work ,work and well u know. where is claras????, we did end up going turned out lump ride up and then flat all night , snaped the anchor at 3 am trying move spots so that was the end of the trip cruised home at 23 knts to the keppls and home at 7am for breakfast......catch nanies all night,cobia x 2 and 1 x red with lots just under...

  5. #5

    Re: central coast yeppoon weather forecast fri night

    MY ALIBI, The claras are also known as the harvey group (hope i got that right) 50n/m north/w of yeppoon,you can fish all day then go into island head ck for the night, just make sure the army arent having an exercise or you might get a 50cal up your stern.

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