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lucky I found this post, I am the Weber king!!!!! (well I reckon I am) I have two kettle BBQ's one genuine Weber, and one found on the side of the road Kmart one, now I have no idea why, but the genuine one leaves the shit Kmart one for dead when it comes to cooking, so make sure you buy the "proper" one. Now for what to do, first off, as mentioned, only buy the quality heat beads, the cheap ones are crap, the number of beads will determine the heat available, not how long it will burn for, and trust me, they will stay hot for hours, so time is not a problem. The genuine Weber will have two basket sort of things that you put the heat beads in, for indirect cooking, I put around 25 heat beads in each basket, and when they are well lit (that is, they turn white) you pull the baskets to either side and put an aluminium tray between them, the meat is then place over the tray and the lid is put back on (and dont keep checking it) what happens is, the tray protects the meat from the direct heat, and the main heat is from around the side and up over the top of the meat, so it cooks from the top, and makes the worlds best crackling! a rolled Pork roast, or leg of lamb will no take very long to cook. Now for direct cooking, the heat beads can be either stil put in the baskets, or just spread over the bottom rack and the meat is placed over them, this is more or less like cooking a conventional BBQ, you need to check the meat now and then to make sure it does not burn. My best and most asked for Weber meal is marinated ribs, here my "secret" method to follow in the next post.