Lol, thanks for that Gon Fishun
Interesting to see a bit about the origin of Chas and Clarry
The thought behind our "fishing" nicknames is:
Tim = "Chas": when we were first fishing together (about 35 years ago!), and for the next 30 years after that, I (ie "Tim") only ever used Alvey reels (I hated threadline reels). Alvey = Charles Alvey (the originator of the brand)...Charles = "Chas"
Trace = "Clarry": again when we were first fishing together Trace only ever used her much loved and unbelievably prolific Jarvis Walker "Clarrence" fishing rod to catch everything from whiting and bream to luderic and tailor. She still has the rod though it is in retirement. Clarrence = "Clarry"
Tim and Trace