My fishing buddy T1 suggested I start posting some fishing reports on Ausfish.
I ventured down to Kingscliff on dusk last night for a bit of a fish in the surf. The conditions were good, but the beach formations were average. I found one average gutter which I knew I would be pushed off as the tide came in. I decided to have a crack at it and see how I went.
A pretty average three hours followed, but I did manage to scratch up a feed. I caught my first ever salmon. I did keep it, and after trimming of the dark muscle, and marinating for a couple of hours, ad put in the smoker. It came up very well - moist and not too coarse. I would not hesitate in smoking them up again.
The other fish will also be part of the Sunday family lunch.
I am sure if I had sat out the high tide and waited for the ebb, I would have picked up more fish, but I am mostly too lazy these days to put in the big hours in the surf.