hi all. this will be long i'm afraid as it will cover 3 trips. the weather was too good to ignore. picked up tol at 5.30 am and we met rufus at raby bay for 6am departure. straight to peel arties and drifting the zmans. slow first hour or so with only grinners and undersize fish. about 7.30 the deadstick out back buckles over and a good fish on. bit of to-ing and fro-ing and a nice 77cm snap hits the deck. caught on 3/8 5/0 5" pearl shimmer zman grubz on 20lb braid. plenty more drifts for more grinners and unders and made the call to i-pilot the north of peel. this was a dud decision with no fish resulting from a couple of hours. john got a first hand demo of it in action tho and was quite impressed with the technology. i got a message from a mate who had fished my spot x at mud tuesday night and him and his mate boated 7 snapper between 75 and 85 in less than 3 hours. lost a couple too he said. figured it had to be worth a go so after a few more fruitless drifts at the arties we pulled the pin just after 3 and headed back. dropped john off and went home for a tub and dry clothes and then off to mud. got to spot x just after dark. a couple of boats close by so i moved a little wider off spot x and dropped the anchor. put some music on, cracked a coldie, settled in and 5 minutes later i notice the rod going over. i failed to set the hook and lost him tho i dont think it was a snap. was a slow bend in the rod like a wobby or ray and didn't feel quite right. anyway i cast back out and sat back and 5 minutes later it goes off good and proper with a great first run. was a pretty good fight as there was a good current running at the time. i was very happy to boat an 84 (closer to 85 when i measured him at home). he was caught on a squid head on 20lb gear also. i didn't really want to catch any more just to throw them back so i picked up and went home again - but not for long. i was back at spot x at 11. fished for a couple of hours for zip before pitching tent and heading for bed. royslaven woke me up at 7 this morn and we then went for a plastics drift both north and eastern sides. met rufus out there again and he joined us for a while before looking elsewhere. very slow morning with usual grinner action (roy outdid me 5 to1) and the occasional under. spent a bit of time jigging up small yellowtail pike on a bait jig and they were in plague proportions. pulling up 1's, 2's and 3's for a while i right up till they started pinching the hooks off the rig (was wondering why i was down to 1's). had a livie out as i was drifting and flicking the 3" newpenny minnow. about 12 i got a hit on the 6lb setup and had a nice battle with a 64 to finish the trio. stayed for a few more drifts and got a couple of just legals (released) but was truly ready to go home for a bit. totally awesome conditions out there just made it too.. oh, and i wouldn't have caught more than 5 grinners the whole time.
ps. bring on the bald jokes. pss, if someone from the amity m&g recognizes the bbq sauce bottle in the fridge, i'm looking after it for ya.