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Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)
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Thread: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

  1. #1

    Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    Hello guys,
    Finally everything has aligned and the new 1kw transducer is going into the cat. Didn't want to bugger it up so called on some expertise in the way of Peter (Grand Marlin).
    I hate having to work in small confined spaces and where he wanted to put the wet box I had only managed to get my arms into by being upside in the toilet with my feet on the roof.
    I've just gone out to find out how they are going and I see this. Pete has managed somehow to crawl into 40cm x 40cm hole upside down and get into the bowels of the cat under the cockpit. He might never get out.
    True professional at work.
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  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member Prowl n Wolf's Avatar
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    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    g'day brett, could'nt agree more. the blokes a legend and always goes above and beyond. regards, tony.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Apollo's Avatar
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    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    Lucky he is built like a smurf.

    Was talking to Pete the other day about an issue and was explaining the fun and games I had joining two wires that I could not see and only just reach - his reply - 'Welcome to my world!!"

  4. #4

    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    I reckon more women should try to get into jobs like that. We fit in places no one else can and our hands are smaller so we can get into things better.
    Would like to see him getting out.


  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member TREVELLY's Avatar
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    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    I dunno; the guy who was welding inside my transom by simply welding in through a small inspection port said something about being a specialist doctor of sorts

    That kinda work requires a special kind of person to:-

    A) Take on the job

    B) Do a good and presentable job

    I am one for A) but it is people like Pete who can do A) and B)

    Certainly appreciated by us average boat owners - especially if we have seen work by people who do A) but shouldn't! and can in no way achieve B)


  6. #6

    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    You'll probably have to grease him up to get him outta there. Slippery little sucker!

    Otherwise there could be muffled creaking and groaning noises coming from under the decks for your next few trips.

    And a few trips after that, expect some bad smells. The good news is that there are some very good deodorising sprays around nowdays

    But dont worry, those smells soon dissipate.....bit like a chunk of old squid bait that you forget is still in the live bait tank...eventually it dires up and stops smelling so bad....

    Onya Pete!

    Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....

  7. #7

    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)


    Lucky he's a midget!

    For all your MARINE DETAILING needs

  8. #8

    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    Geeze, he's a lot better looking on the phone.

  9. #9

    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    Quote Originally Posted by bugman View Post
    I hate having to work
    Nothing new for you
    Why would you start to at 40

  10. #10
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    Pete will be okay..don't send him food in there for a week..he will be smaller then and able to extricate himself.

  11. #11

    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    Not only did he get himself in there, but it looks like he has room to move....

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Boat Hog's Avatar
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    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    Now we know how he smuggled himself out of Tassie!

    Bloody boat people.

  13. #13

    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    Well Brett it looks like you have room for one more on overnight trips in the "lower" berth
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  14. #14
    Are there many different models? That one doesn't look reall pretty, but I too would like to install one these P.E.T.E. thingos.

    It's good to know that hidden away In your boat gizzards you have installed one of these Permanently Entrenched Tester of Electronics.

    I suppose you just throw in some dry dog food every second or third trip?

  15. #15

    Re: Why would you work on boats (Grand Marlin at work)

    I wonder if that view is the same as when a doctor sticks a camera up your brown star of bethlehem.

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