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Thread: Eight trolled Gar smashed

  1. #1

    Eight trolled Gar smashed

    Hey went out today to a wreck and slow trolled 8 gar on the downrigger.
    Caught a spaniard first strike of the day, and proceeded to lose fish on every strike after. I think a couple were doggies but the rest were solid fish we just didn't hook properly. I was rigging with one hook only and I had the hook comin out of the belly of the gar.
    So my question . Should I be using a two hook rig, or put the one hook way back at the bum? Advice or your recommended rig.?
    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  2. #2

    Re: Eight trolled Gar smashed

    Stick a treble stinger in below the tail. Run it on a couple of inch wire attached the the eye of your other hook....

  3. #3
    Ausfish Gold Member Richo1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    This is my Spanish Mack garfish rig.
    First hook put through sideways with eye wired to the mouth/bill. Second hook left loose.
    2x 10/0 hooks depending on the size of the garfish used. Most time find you miss them without the second hook.
    Had a pro mackerel fisherman show me that rig. He was working from cairns to Cape York.
    Hope that helps.

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