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Thread: North pine river boat ramps

  1. #1

    North pine river boat ramps

    Looking at going for a run to north pine river.Looking at google earth there is a boat ramp at dohles rocks on northside of river.I have a 22ft glass boat.Would this ramp be ok to use? If not any others,as I have seen from the road quite a few large boats enjoying in there.
    Thanks Steve

  2. #2

    Re: North pine river boat ramps

    If your at Redcliffe it would be quicker to launch at clontarf and head in from there, deepwater bend is another ramp , depending on tides and conditions but I'd go from redcliffe end .

  3. #3

    Re: North pine river boat ramps

    Cheers never thought of that.

  4. #4

    Re: North pine river boat ramps

    Clontarf would be a good idea. If you haddn't been in the Pine before I'd visiting on the tide. Have a flick for flathead while you're there, a few around atm.

  5. #5

    Re: North pine river boat ramps

    The Dohles Rocks ramp is good as far as ramps go from 1/4 tide up for almost any boat. The contention you may encounter there is cross currents and winds to make it a bit harder, but the ramp itself is a good angle and good surface.

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