You know how it is, you are going to a new place that you haven'/t fished before; so what is your approach?
Obviously being in Yamba (a "new" estuary to us) has us thinking about this, but it is an issue that has come up for us many times before and hopefully will come up many times in the future too as we explore more estuaries.
We do the standard things before hitting the water:
- Search Ausfish and the web generally for info in advance
- Look at Google Earth and NearMaps
- Talk to the local tackle shop
- Chat to locals (if it sin't pouring and there are any around )
BUT what else do you do, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY what do you do when you are on the water?
Do you try to cover a fair bit of territory first; checking the various places that look likely?
Do you focus on the reputed or hypothesised "best spots"?
Do you just chuck a line in, put your feet up and relax?
We'd be interested to know how people go about unlocking the secrets of a "new" estuary.